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[英]How to add a folder to an android project sourceset from a gradle plugin

I'm writing a plugin for gradle, to generate some classes for Android projects. 我正在为gradle编写一个插件,为Android项目生成一些类。

I generate those classes in the projects src/gen/java folder, as I don't want them to be mixed with real source code. 我在项目src/gen/java文件夹中生成这些类,因为我不希望它们与真正的源代码混合在一起。

From the project's build.gradle config, I can add this to make the build tools see the generated classes : 从项目的build.gradle配置中,我可以添加它以使构建工具看到生成的类:

android {
    sourceSets {
        main {
            java {
                srcDir 'src/gen/java'

The problem is that I want my plugin to set this automatically. 问题是我希望我的插件自动设置它。 From my plugin I tried the followings : 从我的插件我尝试了以下内容:

public class MyPlugin implements Plugin { 公共类MyPlugin实现插件{

public void apply(Project project) {
    // ... 
    // TEST 1 : doesnt work
    project.android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs += "src/gen/java"

    // TEST 2 : doesnt work
    project.android.sourceSets {
        main {
            java {
                srcDir 'src/gen/java'

} }

Each time the plugin works, but the folder is still not seen by the compiler and it can't find the generated classes when compiling. 每次插件工作时,编译器仍然看不到该文件夹​​,并且在编译时无法找到生成的类。 Does any one know of another way to do this from the plugin ? 有没有人知道从插件中执行此操作的另一种方法?

If you move the files to to the build/generated/sources dir of the app module the plugin is currently generating code for you then you don't have to add it to the source set. 如果您将文件移动到app模块的build/generated/sources目录,插件当前正在为您生成代码,那么您不必将其添加到源集。

you could also look at SQLDelight which is also a gradle plugin which does code generation or AutoValue 您还可以查看SQLDelight ,它也是一个执行代码生成或AutoValue的gradle插件

Edit: 编辑:

You also need to call the registerJavaGeneratingTask on the BuildVariant that will generate the sources 您还需要在将生成源的BuildVariant上调用registerJavaGeneratingTask


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