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[英]Angular2 Dialog Callback

All, I have an Angular2 application. 全部,我有一个Angular2应用程序。 In this application I have a button that opens a dialog. 在此应用程序中,我有一个打开对话框的按钮。 In this dialog is a single div which I need to act on. 在此对话框中,我需要操作一个div。 Is there any way to execute code in a callback after the dialog and all it's children have been created? 对话框及其所有子级创建之后,是否可以在回调中执行代码?

The closest I've got is 我最近的是

<modal #openDialog (focusin)="openExplorer('someData')">

If I go with that approach then my code get's rexecuted if a user clicks on the form fields inside of this div. 如果我采用这种方法,那么如果用户单击该div内的表单字段,则会重新执行我的代码。

<p (click)="openTheDialog(openDialog, 'thisDivRightHere')">Click here to open me, fool</p>
<modal #openDialog (focusin)="openExplorer('someData')">
    <div id="thisDivRightHere"></div>

// Component
openTheDialog(dlg, someDiv) void: {

// Service
preformTheAction = function(someDiv) {
    $('#' + someDiv).html(new Date());

In the above example, without (focusin) then I can't get a handle on "thisDivRightHere" 在上面的示例中,如果没有(focusin),则无法获得“ thisDivRightHere”的句柄

But if I use (focusin) I can but the date changes every time somethings interacted with. 但是,如果我使用(focusin),则每次进行交互时,日期都会更改。

I solved it by using setTimeout to wait for the element and a carefully placed callback 我通过使用setTimeout等待元素和精心放置的回调来解决它

<p (click)="openTheDialog(openDialog)">Click here to open me, fool</p>
<modal #openDialog (onOpen)="openIt(openDialog, 'thisDivRightHere')" >
    <div id="thisDivRightHere"></div>

tester(someDiv, dialog, callback): void {
    var checkExist = setInterval(function() {
        if ($('#'+someDiv).length) {
    }, 100); // check every 100ms

// Component
openTheDialog(dlg) {

openIt(dlg, someDiv) void: {
    this.tester(someDiv, this.myService, function(dlg) {

// Service
preformTheAction = function(someDiv) {
    $('#' + someDiv).html(new Date());

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