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[英]Convert byte array to string of bytes

byte[] val = { 3, 4, 5 };

Dictionary<String, Object> dict = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
dict.Add("val", val);

string request_json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(dict);

This produces 这产生


What's the best way to convert val such that the above produces the following (or equivalent) instead: 转换val的最佳方法是什么,以便上面的方法生成以下(或等效结果):


(This is passed to a web service which expects a string of arbitrary bytes rather than an array of arbitrary bytes.) (这被传递到Web服务,该服务需要一个任意字节的字符串,而不是任意字节的数组。)

In case it helps, I would have used the following in Perl: 如果有帮助,我会在Perl中使用以下内容:

pack "C*", @bytes

A more descriptive Perl solution would be: 一个更具描述性的Perl解决方案将是:

join "", map { chr($_) } @bytes

This should do the trick: 这应该可以解决问题:

dict.Add("val", String.Join("", val.Select(_ => (char)_)));

or as suggested by Michael: 或迈克尔建议:

dict.Add("val", String.Concat(val.Select(_ => (char)_)));

One possible solution: 一种可能的解决方案:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(val.Length);
foreach (byte b in val) {

dict.Add("val", sb.ToString());

Note: Convert.ToChar(b) could be used instead of (char)b . 注意:可以使用Convert.ToChar(b)代替(char)b

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