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[英]Can I set my user control datacontext in xaml via a dependency property bound to a property on the parent control in wpf?

I have a user control with a dependency property called ViewModel. 我有一个用户控件,其依赖项名为ViewModel。 I want the value that this property is set to to be the data context for this control. 我希望将此属性设置为该控件的数据上下文的值。

Here is an example of its usage; 这是一个用法示例。

<uc:MyCustomControl ViewModel="{Binding CustomControlViewModel}"/>

Here is the code-behind for the ViewModel dependency property for "MyCustomControl" 这是“ MyCustomControl”的ViewModel依赖项属性的代码隐藏

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ViewModelProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        "ViewModel", typeof(CustomControlViewModel), typeof(MyCustomControl), new PropertyMetadata(default(CustomControlViewModel), PropertyChangedCallback));

    public CustomControlViewModel ViewModel
        get { return (CustomControlViewModel)GetValue(ViewModelProperty); }
            SetValue(ViewModelProperty, value);

    private static void PropertyChangedCallback(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs dependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
        var control = (MyCustomControl) dependencyObject;
        if (control == null)
        control.DataContext = (CustomControlViewModel) dependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs.NewValue;

This is the constructor for the "MyCustomControl"; 这是“ MyCustomControl”的构造函数;

    public MyCustomControl()

This doesn't seem to work, what might I be doing wrong? 这似乎不起作用,我可能做错了什么?

DataContext itself is a DependencyProperty . DataContext本身是一个DependencyProperty You can directly assign it with your viewmodel like this. 您可以像这样直接用您的viewmodel分配它。

<uc:MyCustomControl DataContext="{Binding CustomControlViewModel}"/>


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