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带Firebase的Azure Notification Hub和Android

[英]Azure Notification Hub & Android with Firebase

I'm having a problem with NOTIFICATION HUB and Firebase. 我在使用NOTIFICATION HUB和Firebase时遇到问题。 The same Notification Hub is WORKING with iOS and Firebase is working with the "test notification" from the site. 相同的Notification Hub正在与iOS配合使用,并且Firebase正在使用该站点的“测试通知”。

Actually I have a configuration with GMC where I put in the key I found on Firebase in: 实际上,我在GMC上进行了配置,在其中输入了我在Firebase上找到的密钥:

Firebase -> Settings -> Cloud Messaging -> Server Key

The device are correctly registered in Notification Hub but when I try to send a notification I get: 该设备已在Notification Hub中正确注册,但是当我尝试发送通知时,我得到:

The Token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong

I Already tried to delete and recreate a new Notification Hub but I face the same problem. 我已经尝试删除并重新创建一个新的通知中心,但是我遇到了同样的问题。

Had the same issue where I created a new Firebase project and came into the same issue. 在创建新的Firebase项目并遇到同一问题时遇到了同样的问题。 What I had to do was import an existing project from Google (there's an import option in the Firebase console) created through the Google developer console. 我要做的是通过Google开发人员控制台从Google导入现有项目(Firebase控制台中有一个导入选项)。 Then I used the messaging token from that project that's been imported into Firebase and was able to send a test notification without running into the wrong token error 然后,我使用了该项目中的消息传递令牌,该消息传递令牌已导入Firebase,并且能够发送测试通知,而不会遇到错误的令牌错误

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