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[英]Search pages using custom fields

I'm stuck with this problem for a week already. 我已经在这个问题上停留了一周。 I'd like to create a search bar that will show a list of pages with the data filled in the custom fields. 我想创建一个搜索栏,将显示一个页面列表,其中的数据已填充到自定义字段中。 For example, if I select "Pre Owned" as status the search bar, it should show the pages with the custom field where the meta data is "Pre Owned". 例如,如果我选择“ Pre Owned”作为状态栏,它应该显示带有自定义字段的页面,其中元数据是“ Pre Owned”。 I have absolutely no idea how to do this. 我完全不知道该怎么做。 I know it's possible to search in custom posts, but I want it in pages. 我知道可以在自定义帖子中进行搜索,但我希望在页面中进行搜索。 http://jaroyachting.com/dev/yacht-list/ is what the list looks like. 列表的外观为http://jaroyachting.com/dev/yacht-list/

this code is what I tried, doesn't work. 这段代码是我尝试过的,不起作用。 $searchYachts is how I call my meta data $ searchYachts是我如何称呼我的元数据

if(isset($_POST['filter'])) {

global $wp_query; // get the global object
$searchYachts = get_post_meta( $page->ID, 'yachtinfo', true );
$thesearch = get_search_query(); // get the string searched

// merge them with one or several meta_queries to meet your demand
$args = array_merge( $wp_query->query, array( 
   'meta_query' => array(
        'key' => $searchYachts["status"],
        'value' => $_POST['status'],
        'compare' => 'IN'
query_posts( $args ); // alter the main query to include your custom parameters

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Here in this meta query you can pass the meta values, 在此元查询中,您可以传递元值,

$args = array(
   'meta_query' => array(
           'key' => 'cp_annonceur',
           'value' => 'professionnel',
           'compare' => '=',
$query = new WP_Query($args);

This is as far as I got. 据我所知。 But now it shows every page... 但是现在它显示了每个页面...

if(isset($_POST['filter'])) {
$status = $_POST['status'];
$args = array(
   'meta_query' => array(
       'key' => 'status',
       'value' => '$status',
       'compare' => '=',
$property_query = new WP_Query($args);

?>                  <div id="pages">
<?php $pages = get_pages(array($property_query)); ?>
<ul style="list-style:none;">
    <?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
       <div id="schip"> <li>
            <div id="fotoSchip"><?php echo '<a href="' . get_page_uri($page)     .'">' . get_the_post_thumbnail($page->ID, array( 365, 230)) . '</div>
<div id="infoSchip"><h5>' . $page->post_title; ?></h5></a>
        $yacht = get_post_meta( $page->ID, 'yachtinfo', true ); 
                            foreach( $yacht as $list){
                                echo '<div id="statusSchip">' .     $list['status'] . '</div>';
                                    echo '<div id="prijsSchip">Price: ' .     $list['price'] . '</div>';



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