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[英]convert dictionaries into string python

I am trying to convert dictionaries into string 我正在尝试将字典转换为字符串

for example: 例如:

s='3 4, 5 6'

The way I am trying is 我正在尝试的方式是

for (k,v) in d.items():
    s=s+str(k)+' '+str(v)
    while i < len(s):
        if s[i]==str(v) and s[i+1]==str(k):

Here's a Pythonic way of doing that using a list comprehension : 这是使用列表理解的Pythonic方法:

s = ', '.join([str(x) + ' ' + str(a[x]) for x in a])

Output: 输出:

'3 4, 5 6'

Update: As Julien Spronck mentioned, the square brackets ( [ and ] ) are not necessary. 更新:正如Julien Spronck所说,方括号( [] )不是必需的。 Thus, the following has the same effect: 因此,以下具有相同的效果:

s = ', '.join(str(x) + ' ' + str(a[x]) for x in a)

Working PythonFiddle 使用PythonFiddle

You can write the list comprehension expression to get the list of key-value string, then join them on , as 您可以编写列表推导表达式来获取键值字符串列表,然后将它们连接起来,

>>> d = {3:4,5:6}
>>> ', '.join('{} {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in d.items())
'3 4, 5 6'

OR, even using repr() ( Note: it is a hack, I consider .join() approach more pythonic ): 或者,甚至使用repr()注意:它是一个hack,我认为.join()接近pythonic ):

>>> repr(d)[1:-1].replace(':', '')
'3 4, 5 6'

I would use the following with a list comprehension: 我将使用以下列表理解:

', '.join([str(k) + ' ' + str(v) for k, v in a.items()])

To illustrate: 为了显示:

In [1]: a = {3:4, 5:6}

In [2]: s = ', '.join([str(k) + ' ' + str(v) for k, v in a.items()])

In [3]: s
Out[3]: '3 4, 5 6'

Of course the most pythonic solution is the one using the list comprehension (see @SumnerEvans and the rest) but just for the sake of having an alternative i will post this here: 当然,最pythonic解决方案是使用列表理解的解决方案(参见@SumnerEvans和其他),但只是为了有替代方案,我将在此处发布:

a = {3: 4, 5: 6}

v = str(a)
for rep in ['{', '}', ':']:
    v = v.replace(rep, '')
print(v)  # prints -> 3 4, 5 6

Everything can be converted into a string and the manipulated as one. 一切都可以转换成一个字符串,并作为一个操纵。 This is what is being done here. 这是在这里做的。 From dict to string and then chained replace methods. dictstring然后链接replace方法。

You can still have it like this 你仍然可以这样

for (k,v) in a.items():
    if i < len(a) and s == '':
        s = s + str(k) + ' '+ str(v)
    elif i < len(a) and s != '':
        s += ", " + str(k) + ' '+ str(v)
    i += 1

This should give you 这应该给你

s='3 4, 5 6'

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