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Typescript 中的 Object 类型不存在属性

[英]Property does not exist on type Object in Typescript

I'm using Ionic and Angular2 Typescript.我正在使用 Ionic 和 Angular2 Typescript。 When View is rendered I call the function retrieveNotifications in the file dashboard.ts but I get an error:呈现视图时,我在文件dashboard.ts 中调用了retrieveNotifications函数,但出现错误:

 Error: Error at /home/invicta/Desktop/newauth/.tmp/pages/dashboard/dashboard.ts:36:34 Property 'notifications' does not exist on type '{}'

ionViewDidEnter() {

retrieveNotifications() {
    this.user.retrieveNotifications().then(data = > {
        // when do console.log here and typeof(), data is object and it has notifications array
        this._notifications = data.notifications;

Then in file user-data.ts which is declare like public user: UserData is function:然后在文件user-data.ts中声明为public user: UserData是函数:

//user-data.ts -> provider
retrieveNotifications() {
    var token = this.authservice.getUserToken();
    return new Promise(resolve = > {
        var headers = new Headers();
        headers.append('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
        this.http.get(this.mainUrl + '/api/v1/notification', {
            headers: headers
        }).subscribe(data = > {
            if (data.status === 200)


this._notifications = data['notifications'];

Try another way to bypass the error with:尝试另一种方法来绕过错误:

return new Promise().then(()=>{
     return data;

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