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[英]Wall Dimensioning

I would like to set the gap from the element to some value so that the dimension would be clearly visible. 我想将元素之间的距离设置为某个值,以便尺寸清晰可见。 Please find below the screen shot. 请在屏幕截图下方找到。

Currently it's looking like this. 目前看起来像这样。


But I would like to achieve like below. 但我想实现如下。


You are actually in control of the line when you create the dimension. 创建尺寸时,实际上可以控制线。 Take a line from Revit then transform it and offset it perpendicular to the line you're interested in: (Given a dbView and a reference array and a curve) 从Revit中提取一条线,然后对其进行变换并使其垂直于您感兴趣的线偏移:(给出dbView,一个参考数组和一条曲线)

//create your line along the element you want to dimension
Line line = Line.CreateBound(locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(0), locCurve.Curve.GetEndPoint(1));

//Compute the perpendicular of that line (I took advantage of the fact that I was working in plan:
XYZ perpendicular = line.ComputeDerivatives(0.5, true).BasisX.CrossProduct(new XYZ(0, 0, 1));

//transform the line to the new offset location:
Line offsetline = line.CreateTransformed(Transform.CreateTranslation(perpendicular.Normalize())) as Line;

//Create the dimension.
revitDoc.Create.NewDimension(dbView, offsetline, aDimensionRefArray);

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