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[英]Cumulative sum (pandas)

Apologies if this has been asked already. 抱歉,是否已经有人问过。

I am trying to create a yearly cumulative sum for all order-points within a certain customer account, and am struggling. 我正在尝试为某个客户帐户中的所有订购点创建年度累积总和,并且很挣扎。

Essentially, I want to create `YearlyTotal' below: 本质上,我想在下面创建`YearlyTotal':

Customer   Year   Date       Order   PointsPerOrder   YearlyTotal
123456     2016   11/2/16    A939    1                 20
123456     2016   3/13/16    A102    19                19
789089     2016   7/15/16    A123    7                 7

I've tried: 我试过了:

df['YEARLYTOTAL'] = df.groupby(by=['Customer','Year'])['PointsPerOrder'].cumsum()

But this produces YearlyTotal in the wrong order (ie, YearlyTotal of A939 is 1 instead of 20. 但这会以错误的顺序生成YearlyTotal (即YearlyTotalA939为1而不是20)。

Not sure if this matters, but Customer is a string (the database has leading zeroes -- don't get me started). 不知道这是否重要,但是Customer是一个字符串(数据库的前导零–不要让我入门)。 sort_values(by=['Customer','Year','Date'],ascending=True) at the front also produces an error. sort_values(by=['Customer','Year','Date'],ascending=True)也会产生错误。

Help? 救命?

Use [::-1] for reversing dataframe: 使用[::-1]反转数据帧:

df['YEARLYTOTAL'] = df[::-1].groupby(by=['Customer','Year'])['PointsPerOrder'].cumsum()

print (df)
   Customer  Year     Date Order  PointsPerOrder  YearlyTotal  YEARLYTOTAL
0    123456  2016  11/2/16  A939               1           20           20
1    123456  2016  3/13/16  A102              19           19           19
2    789089  2016  7/15/16  A123               7            7            7

first make sure Date is a datetime column: 首先确保Datedatetime列:

In [35]: df.Date = pd.to_datetime(df.Date)

now we can do: 现在我们可以做:

In [36]: df['YearlyTotal'] = df.sort_values('Date').groupby(['Customer','Year'])['PointsPerOrder'].cumsum()

In [37]: df
   Customer  Year       Date Order  PointsPerOrder  YearlyTotal
0    123456  2016 2016-11-02  A939               1           20
1    123456  2016 2016-03-13  A102              19           19
2    789089  2016 2016-07-15  A123               7            7

PS this solution will NOT depend on the order of records... PS此解决方案将不依赖于记录的顺序...

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