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[英]How to remove spaces and special characters from string?

I have a function that returns true if a character is a form of punctuation and I'm trying to write another function that accepts a string and removes the spaces and punctuation marks while calling the first function. 我有一个函数,如果字符是标点符号的形式,则返回true,我正在尝试编写另一个函数,该函数接受字符串并在调用第一个函数时删除空格和标点符号。 I got most of it I think. 我想我大部分。 But now I'm stuck. 但是现在我被卡住了。 Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

var isPunct = function(ch) {

    if (ch = ch.match(/[,.!?;:'-]/g))
        return true
        return false


var compress = function(s) {
    var result = "";

    //loop to traverse s
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        if (!(isPunct(ch));
            //(isPunct(s.charAt(i) || s.charAt(i) == " "));
            //do nothing
                result = result + !compress(i)

        return result

Some issues: 一些问题:

  • The inner condition should in fact be the opposite: you want to do nothing when it is a punctuation character, ie you don't want to add it to the result. 内部条件实际上应该相反:当它标点符号时,您希望执行任何操作,即,您不想将其添加到结果中。 Only in the other case you want to do that. 只有在其他情况下,您才想这样做。

  • The call !compress(i) is wrong: first of all that function expects a string, not an index, and it returns a string, not a boolean (so to perform ! on it). 调用!compress(i)是错误的:首先,该函数需要一个字符串,而不是索引,并且它返回一个字符串,而不是布尔值(因此要对它执行! )。 It seems like you want to call your function recursively, and although that is an option, you are also iterating over the string. 似乎您想递归地调用函数,尽管这是一个选择,但您正在对字符串进行迭代。 You should do one of the two: recursion or iteration. 您应该执行以下两项操作之一:递归或迭代。

  • You reference a variable ch in the compress function which you have not defined there. 您在compress函数中引用了尚未在其中定义的变量ch

So, if you want to write compress the iteration way, change your code as follows: 因此,如果要编写compress 迭代方式,请按如下所示更改代码:

var compress = function(s) {
    var result = "", ch; // define ch.

    //loop to traverse s
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        ch = s[i]; // initialise ch.
        if (!isPunct(ch)) result = result + ch; // only add when not punctuation
    return result;

If on the other hand you want to keep your recursive call to compress , then you should do away with your for loop: 另一方面,如果您想保留递归调用compress ,则应该取消for循环:

var compress = function(s) {
    var result = "", ch, rest;

    if (s.length == 0) return '';
    result = compress(s.substr(1)); // recursive call
    ch = s[0];
    if (!isPunct(ch)) result = ch + result;
    return result;

The function isPunct also has a strange thing happening: it assigns a boolean value to ch in the if expression. 函数isPunct也发生了一件奇怪的事情:它在if表达式中为ch分配一个布尔值。 This does not make your function malfunction, but that assignment serves no purpose: the match method already returns the boolean you need for your if condition. 这不会使您的功能出现故障,但是该分配没有任何作用: match方法已经返回了if条件所需的布尔值。

It is also not really nice-looking to first evaluate a boolean expression in an if to then return that same value in the form of false and true . 首先在if对布尔表达式求值,然后以falsetrue的形式返回相同的值,看起来也不是很好。 This you can do by just returning the evaluated expression itself: 您可以通过只返回评估表达式本身来做到这一点:

var isPunct = function(ch) {
    return ch.match(/[,.!?;:'-]/g);

On a final note, you don't really need the isPunct function if you only use it in compress . 最后一点,如果仅在compress使用isPunct函数,则实际上并不需要它。 The whole logic can be performed in one function only, like this: 整个逻辑只能在一个功能中执行,如下所示:

 let compress = s => s.replace(/[,.!?;:'-]/g,''); // Demo: console.log(compress('a,b,c')); // abc 

If you prefer to keep isPunct and don't want to repeat the regular expression elsewhere, then you can do the replace like this: 如果您希望保留isPunct且不想在其他地方重复正则表达式,则可以执行以下替换:

 let isPunct = ch => ch.match(/[,.!?;:'-]/g); let compress = s => Array.from(s).filter(ch => !isPunct(ch)).join(''); // Demo: console.log(compress('a,b,c')); // abc 

Note how the use of ES6 arrow functions and ES5 Array methods makes the code quite lean. 请注意,使用ES6箭头功能和ES5数组方法如何使代码相当精简。

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