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[英]Using Lodash `_.get` to access object key using bracket notation

I have the following 我有以下内容

const key = 'foo';
const test = { foo: { bar: 23 } };

and I'd like to use lodash get to access the value of test[key].bar . 我想使用lodash get来访问test[key].bar的值。

I want to use the bracket notation on the first indicator... 我想在第一个指标上使用括号表示法......

_.get(test, '[key].bar'); // results in undefined

Surely there's a way... 当然有办法......

You need to put the value of key into your path string: 您需要将key放入路径字符串中:

_.get(test, key + '.bar');

In ES2015 you can use a template literal (interpolated string): 在ES2015中,您可以使用模板文字 (插值字符串):

_.get(test, `${key}.bar`);

You can pass an array to define the evaluation path. 您可以传递数组以定义评估路径。

This is one pretty clean solution to your problem: 这是一个非常干净的解决方案:

 const test = {foo: {bar: 23}} const key = 'foo' console.log(_.get(test, [key, 'bar'])) // 23 
 <script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/lodash/4.16.6/lodash.min.js'></script> 

const test = { foo: { bar: 23 } };
const key = 'foo';
const search = key + '.bar';

const result = _get(test, search);

This is a proposal which uses a global variable, when enclosed in brackets. 这是一个使用全局变量的提案,当括在括号中时。

 function getValue(object, path) { return path.replace(/(?=\\[)/g, '.').split('.').reduce(function (o, k) { var m = k.match(/^\\[([^\\]]*)\\]$/); return m ? (o || {})[window[m[1]]] : (o || {})[k]; }, object); } var test = { foo: { bar: 23 } }, key = 'bar'; console.log(getValue(test, 'foo[key]')); 

Parse JSON before get JSON.parse(<YOUR JSON String or Obj>) 在获取JSON.parse(<YOUR JSON String or Obj>)之前解析JSON

const test = { foo: { bar: 23 } };
const key = 'foo';

const result = _get(JSON.parse(test), key );

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