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[英]Compare the properties of two PsCustomObjects

I know that I can compare the values of two PowerShell objects: 我知道我可以比较两个PowerShell对象的

PS> $A = [PsCustomObject]@{"A"=1; "B"=$True; "C"=$False}
PS> $B = [PsCustomObject]@{"A"=1; "B"=$False; "C"=$False}
PS> Compare-Object $A $B -Property A, B, C

A  B     C SideIndicator
-  -     - -------------
1  False False =>
1  True  False <=

However, I need to compare the existance the properties of two PowerShell objects. 但是,我需要比较两个PowerShell对象的存在

These objects would be considered the same: 这些对象将被视为相同:

PS> $A = [PsCustomObject]@{"A"=1; "B"=$True; "C"=$False}
PS> $B = [PsCustomObject]@{"A"=1; "B"=$False; "C"=$True}
PS> Compare-Foo $A $B

These objects would be considered NOT the same: 这些对象将被认为是不同的:

PS> $A = [PsCustomObject]@{"A"=1; "C"=$False}
PS> $B = [PsCustomObject]@{"A"=1; "B"=$False; "C"=$False}
PS> Compare-Foo $A $B

Is there a good way to do this? 有什么好方法吗?


$A.Keys | ForEach-Object { $C = $B["$_"]; if ($C -eq "") {return $false;} }

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