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Visual Studio 有断点插件吗?

[英]Is there a Breakpoint Plugin for Visual Studio?


In some sufficiently large applications, you can spend more time figuring out how to drill down to the various layers than you do actually debugging: That's the case with a piece of software I work on now.在一些足够大的应用程序中,与实际调试相比,您可以花更多的时间来确定如何深入到各个层:我现在正在开发的一个软件就是这种情况。 Layout/separation of concerns issues aside, it'd be nice to have a breakpoint plug-in that would allow you to load breakpoints depending on which Bugzilla/Jira/Fogbugz/SVN defect entry you're working off of.除了关注点的布局/分离问题,最好有一个断点插件,它允许您根据正在处理的 Bugzilla/Jira/Fogbugz/SVN 缺陷条目加载断点。


Do any plug-ins exist for Visual Studio that allow you to 'save' toggled breakpoints to a file, allowing you to load various breakpoints depending on what bug you're working on?是否存在任何适用于 Visual Studio 的插件,允许您将切换的断点“保存”到文件中,允许您根据正在处理的错误加载各种断点?

As an adjunct to that question;作为该问题的补充; if there aren't any such plug-ins, can anyone point me to a 'good' (quite a subjective term, but in this case I mean explanatory and useful) resource on creating plug-ins for Visual Studio?如果没有任何这样的插件,谁能指出我为 Visual Studio 创建插件的“好”(相当主观的术语,但在这种情况下我的意思是解释性和有用的)资源?

It seems that Visual Studio 2010 (Professional) has added an "export breakpoints to file" function.似乎 Visual Studio 2010 (Professional) 添加了“将断点导出到文件”function。 (You can find it in the Breakpoints window.) (您可以在断点 window 中找到它。)

I found this based on a recent Google search:我根据最近的谷歌搜索找到了这个:

Breakpoint Workspaces by Rick Schott . Rick Schott断点工作区

Break point analyzer is a really useful tool for debugging huge projects.断点分析器是调试大型项目的非常有用的工具。

I stumbled upon this while searching the web for an answer.我在搜索 web 寻找答案时偶然发现了这一点。 Since this question is pretty old, I thought I would contribute with an updated answer.由于这个问题已经很老了,我想我会提供一个更新的答案。

Nowadays, you can actually import and export breakpoints in Visual Studio from the Breakpoints window ( ctrl + alt + b )现在,您实际上可以从断点 window ( ctrl + alt + b ) 在 Visual Studio 中导入和导出断点

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd293657(v=vs.100).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd293657(v=vs.100).aspx

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