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[英]Async test in Jest failing due to unresolved promise

I am learning Jest and running into an issue trying to mock an async function that returns a fetch promise. 我正在学习Jest并遇到一个问题,试图模拟一个返回fetch承诺的异步函数。

In their docs, there is this: "If a promise doesn't resolve at all, this error might be thrown: - Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL. Most commonly this is being caused by conflicting Promise implementations. Consider replacing the global promise implementation with your own, for example global.Promise = require.requireActual('promise'); and/or consolidate the used Promise libraries to a single one." 在他们的文档中,有这样的:“如果一个promise根本没有解决,可能会抛出此错误: - 错误:超时 - 在jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.指定的超时内没有调用异步回调jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.最常见的是这是由冲突的Promise实现。考虑用您自己的实现替换全局promise实现,例如global.Promise = require.requireActual('promise');和/或将使用过的Promise库合并为一个。“

This likely is the issue, but it's unclear to me how to fix my issue or determine where the Promise is breaking. 这可能是问题所在,但我不清楚如何解决我的问题或确定Promise的破坏位置。

Maybe my understanding of mocks in Jest is wrong? 也许我对Jest中的模拟的理解是错误的? I tried using their example and it worked perfectly of course. 我尝试使用他们的例子,当然它工作得很好。 ( https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/tutorial-async.html#content ) https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/tutorial-async.html#content

This is what I get in the console: 这是我在控制台中得到的:

● endpoint can receive form data › can parse and fulfill a promise

    Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.

Here are my modules and test: 这是我的模块和测试:

// myModule/index.js
import { OK } from 'http-status-codes';
import request from './request';
import parseForm from '../../../../modules/parseMultiPart';

export default (req, res, next) => parseForm(req)
    .then(body => request(body, req)
    .then(result => result.text())
    .then(result => res.status(OK).send(result)))

// myModule/request.js
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

export default (body, req) => fetch('http://url', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(body.fields),
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'X-Request-Id': req.id

// myModule/__tests__/myModule.test.js
import MockReq from 'mock-req';
import MockRes from 'mock-res';
import myModule from '../';


describe('endpoint can receive form data', () => {
    const response = new MockRes();
    const request = new MockReq({
        method: 'POST',
        url: '/webhook',
        headers: {
            'Content-Disposition': 'form-data; name="file"; filename="plain.txt"',
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; custom=stuff; boundary=----TLV0SrKD4z1TRxRhAPUvZ',
            'Content-Length': 213

    it('can parse and fulfill a promise', () => myModule(request, response)
        .then(text => expect(text).toEqual('API Event Received'))

// myModule/__mocks__/request.js
export default function request() {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
            () => resolve('API Event Received')

I was mocking the wrong thing. 我在嘲笑错误的事情。 Needed to be mocking the functions, not the data in this case: 需要模拟函数,而不是这种情况下的数据:


My request wasn't correct and the Promise was never returning. 我的要求不正确,承诺永远不会回来。

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