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R - 如果最后一个值为NA,则删除列

[英]R - Delete column if last value is NA

I want to delete column(s) in R data frame if their last value is NA. 如果最后一个值为NA,我想删除R数据帧中的列。

Example data frame is below 示例数据框如下

A   B   C   D
11  10  19  20
22  20  29  40
33  30  39  60
44  NA  NA  80

I would like to get the following output (Column B and C dropped because they had NA values in the last row) 我想获得以下输出(列B和C被删除,因为它们在最后一行中有NA值)

A   D
11  20
22  40
33  60
44  80

Tried but couldn't get any solution to work. 尝试但无法获得任何解决方案。 Appreciate your help. 感谢您的帮助。

# Data
df <- read.table(text="A   B   C   D
                       11  10  19  20
                       22  20  29  40
                       33  30  39  60
                       44  NA  NA  80", header=TRUE)

df[-which(is.na(df[nrow(df), ]))]

   A  D
1 11 20
2 22 40
3 33 60
4 44 80

# Suggestion from @alistaire
df[, !is.na(df[nrow(df), ])]

na.omit() function deletes any rows with missing data. na.omit()函数删除任何缺少数据的行。 pp <- data.frame(po=c(10,20,30,40,NA), pi=c(45,65,75,55,85)) pp na.omit(pp) -- deletes the entire row pp < - data.frame(po = c(10,20,30,40,NA),pi = c(45,65,75,55,85))pp na.omit(pp) - 删除整行

na.delete(pp["po"]) --- deletes the entire column with "NA". na.delete(pp [“po”])---用“NA”删除整个列。

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