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[英]Change template in angular directive dynamically

I have a controller, that has some variables: 我有一个控制器,其中包含一些变量:

.controller('DataProvider', function($scope, $timeout, $mdSidenav, $mdDialog, $mdMedia, $mdToast, selectedData) {
    $scope.providers = [{
        name: 'jsonProvider',
        displayNmae: "jsonProvider"
    }, {
        name: 'imageProvider',
        displayNmae: "imageProvider"
    $scope.props = {
    this.providerWasChange = function() {}

It is just little part of controller functions. 它只是控制器功能的一小部分。 $scope.props - is model from json data. $scope.props是json数据的模型。
Also, there is directive that should take controller's selected provider and change template, and as possible bind all $scope.props to updated template. 另外,有$scope.props指令应采用控制器的选定提供程序并更改模板,并尽可能将所有$scope.props绑定到更新的模板。
There is my wrong attempt of creating directive: 我创建指令的错误尝试:

.directive('provider', function([$compile, $templateCache, function($compile, $templateCache) {
    var getTemplate = function(data) {
        function templateId() {
            switch (data.name) {
                case 'jsonProvider':
                    return 'jsonProvider-template.html';
                case 'imageProvider':
                    return 'imageProvider-template.html';

        var template = $templateCache.get(templateId(data));
        return template;

    return {
        templateUrl: '',
        transclude: true,
        scope: {
            provider: '@'
        replace: true,
        restrict: 'E',
        require: '?NgModel',
        link: function(scope, element) {
            var template = getTemplate(scope.$parent.provider)

            scope.$parent.$watch(function() {
                return scope.$parent.provider;
            }, function(newVal, oldVal, scope) {

                var template = getTemplate(scope.$parent.provider)


And there is html code: 并且有html代码:

<md-tab id='layerProviderWrapper'>
                            <md-tab-label>Provider data</md-tab-label>
                                <div layout="column" ng-controller="layerProvider">
                                    <md-input-container style="width:90%">
                                        <label>Chose provider data</label>
                                        <md-select ng-model="provider" ng-change="providerWasChange()">
                                            <md-option ng-repeat="provider in providers" ng-value="provider">

              problems starts here:  <provider> </provider>


template should take ng-models from 'DataProvider' controller. 模板应采用“ DataProvider”控制器中的ng-models。 I know on StackOverflow was several similar questions, but no one of them helps me.... 我知道在StackOverflow上有几个类似的问题,但是没有人帮助我...。

https://jsfiddle.net/0jLt0u0L/2/ There is example, but I don't know how to create template there.... In template, for example, show selected provider from controller. https://jsfiddle.net/0jLt0u0L/2/有示例,但是我不知道如何在其中创建模板。...例如,在模板中,显示从控制器中选择的提供程序。

Here is a modification of your fiddle to make it work to some extent: https://jsfiddle.net/masa671/77z165uj/ 这是对您的提琴的一种修改,可以使其在某种程度上起作用: https : //jsfiddle.net/masa671/77z165uj/

The key modifications: 关键修改:

  • Move angular.min.js on top. 将angular.min.js移动到顶部。
  • Move ng-app to body to make the templates effective (see HTML gear). ng-app移至正文以使模板生效(请参见HTML齿轮)。
  • Define the templates via <script> tags. 通过<script>标记定义模板。

I did not load the templates via $http (I am not sure if it is even possible with jsfiddle), but just defined them in place. 我没有通过$http加载模板(我不确定jsfiddle是否有可能),而是在适当的位置定义了它们。 For example: 例如:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="jsonProvider.html">
  <div>I am a jsonProvider.</div>

Once you get this working, it is easier to resolve, how to load them dynamically with $http , if that is what is needed. 一旦开始工作,就很容易解决如何使用$http动态加载它们(如果需要)。

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