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[英]Javascript - List all properties/methods from an object

I know that an object literal can have its keys listed by using Object.keys() method. 我知道可以使用Object.keys()方法列出对象文字的键。 But what about an object that was created through a constructor function? 但是通过构造函数创建的对象呢?

function Foo () {}
Foo.prototype.bar = 'bar';
Foo.prototype.baz = 'baz';

var foo = new Foo();
console.log(Object.keys(foo).join(', ')); // returns ''
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(foo).join(', ')); // returns ''

Object.keys will only get own enumerable properties, and getOwnPropertyNames will only get own properties (even if not enumerable). Object.keys将仅拥有自己的可枚举属性,而getOwnPropertyNames将仅拥有自己的属性(即使不可枚举)。 Neither of them will give you the names of properties inherited from the prototype (or its prototype, or its , ...). 他们都不会给你从原型继承属性的名称(或它的原型,或者它的 ...)。

If you only care about enumerable properties, see trincot's answer . 如果您只关心可枚举的属性, 请参见trincot的答案

If you want all of them,¹ even if they're not enumerable, you have to loop through the prototype chain: 如果您想全部使用它们,¹即使它们不是无法枚举的,也必须遍历原型链:

 function getAllPropertyNames(obj) { var result = []; while (obj && obj !== Object.prototype) { result.push.apply(result, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)); obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); } return result; } function Foo () {} Foo.prototype.bar = 'bar'; Foo.prototype.baz = 'baz'; var foo = new Foo(); console.log(getAllPropertyNames(foo)); 

In that example, I stopped when we reached Object.prototype , but of course you could keep going until you hit null instead: 在该示例中,当我们到达Object.prototype时,我停了Object.prototype ,但是您当然可以继续操作,直到打入null为止:

 function getAllPropertyNames(obj) { var result = []; while (obj) { result.push.apply(result, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)); obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); } return result; } function Foo () {} Foo.prototype.bar = 'bar'; Foo.prototype.baz = 'baz'; var foo = new Foo(); console.log(getAllPropertyNames(foo)); 

¹ "If you want all of them..." Note that in the above, we haven't tried to get properties that are named by Symbols instead of strings. ¹ “如果要全部使用它们……”请注意,在上文中,我们并未尝试获取由Symbols而不是字符串命名的属性。 If we did, we'd use getOwnPropertySymbols as well as getOwnPropertyNames . 如果这样做,我们将使用getOwnPropertySymbols以及getOwnPropertyNames

You can use a for loop: 您可以使用for循环:

 function Foo () {} Foo.prototype.bar = 'bar'; Foo.prototype.baz = 'baz'; var foo = new Foo(); for (var key in foo) console.log(key, foo[key]); 

Note that this has limitations. 请注意,这有局限性。 Some properties can be made non-enumerable, and will then not be included. 某些属性可以设为不可枚举,然后将不包括在内。 This is for instance the case for the length property of arrays: 例如,数组的length属性就是这种情况:

 var a = [1, 2]; for (var key in a) console.log(key, a[key]); 

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