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没有足够的值插入寄存器类型Oracle SQL Developer

[英]not enough values insert with register type Oracle SQL Developer

I am trying to make a variable of a custom record type, set values to it, then insert it into a table. 我试图做一个自定义记录类型的变量,为其设置值,然后将其插入表中。 I am having difficulties, and I do not know where I am wrong. 我遇到了困难,我不知道自己在哪里错。 I checked the columns in the table and they are all the not-nullable colums in the register type. 我检查了表中的列,它们都是寄存器类型中所有不可为空的列。 Yet I get a "not enough values" error. 但是我收到“值不足”的错误。 I'm working in SQL Developer. 我正在使用SQL Developer。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

set serveroutput on;

  TYPE ang_record IS RECORD
    (cod employees.employee_id%TYPE,
    nume employees.last_name%TYPE,
    email employees.email%TYPE,
    h_date employees.hire_date%TYPE,
    job_id employees.job_id%TYPE,
    sal employees.salary%TYPE,
    dept employees.department_id%TYPE);
  v_ang ang_record;
  v_ang.cod := 500;
  v_ang.nume := 'Profeanu';
  v_ang.email := 'ileana.profeanu@gmail.com';
  v_ang.h_date := SYSDATE;
  v_ang.job_id := 'SH_CLERK';
  v_ang.sal := 2000;
  v_ang.dept := 50;
  INSERT INTO empil (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id)
  VALUES v_ang;

You made a record type of the employees table. 您已创建了employees表的记录类型。 And you want to use this type to insert a record into the empil table. 并且您想使用此类型将记录插入到empil表中。 You have mixed up the two ways to achieve this. 您已经混合了两种方法来实现此目的。 First: 第一:

    set serveroutput on;

          TYPE ang_record IS RECORD
            (cod employees.employee_id%TYPE,
            nume employees.last_name%TYPE,
            email employees.email%TYPE,
            h_date employees.hire_date%TYPE,
            job_id employees.job_id%TYPE,
            sal employees.salary%TYPE,
            dept employees.department_id%TYPE);
          v_ang ang_record;
          v_ang.cod := 500;
          v_ang.nume := 'Profeanu';
          v_ang.email := 'ileana.profeanu@gmail.com';
          v_ang.h_date := SYSDATE;
          v_ang.job_id := 'SH_CLERK';
          v_ang.sal := 2000;
          v_ang.dept := 50;
          INSERT INTO empil (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id)
          VALUES (v_ang.code, v_ang.nume, v_ang.email, v_ang.h_date, v_ang.job_id, v_ang.sal, v_ang.dept);

Second: 第二:

   set serveroutput on;

          v_ang    r_empil%rowtype;
          v_ang.employee_id := 500;
          v_ang.last_name := 'Profeanu';
          v_ang.email := 'ileana.profeanu@gmail.com';
          v_ang.hire_date := SYSDATE;
          v_ang.job_id := 'SH_CLERK';
          v_ang.salary := 2000;
          v_ang.department_id := 50;
          INSERT INTO empil (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary, department_id)
          VALUES v_ang;

I hope that I have made it clear for you. 希望我已向您说明。

Good luck with your studies!!! 祝你学习顺利!!!

I believe the problem is that SQL treats the data type object separately than it does the data type members. 我认为问题在于,SQL会比对待数据类型成员单独对待数据类型对象。 v_ang is considered a single item even though it consists of multiple sub elements. v_ang即使包含多个子元素,也被视为单个项目。

You either need to create a table who's column is of type ang_record, or insert the elements individually like this. 您或者需要创建一个列的类型为ang_record的表,或者像这样单独插入元素。

INSERT INTO empil (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, 
                   job_id, salary, department_id)
VALUES (v_ang.employee_id, v_ang.last_name, v_ang.email, 
        v_ang.hire_date, v_ang.job_id, v_ang.salary, 

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