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[英]Watch directive scope not working

Context 语境

My controller stores an array. 我的控制器存储一个数组。 When pressing a specific shortcut on the keyboard I add a new object to this array. 当按下键盘上的特定快捷方式时,我向该数组添加了一个新对象。

The array is used inside a directive to display a chart. 该数组用于指令内部以显示图表。

So, on shortcut pressed the chart should be updated with the new value. 因此,按下快捷键后,图表应使用新值进行更新。

Controller 控制者

vm.observation = [{
    "sale": "202",
    "year": "2010"
}, {
    "sale": "215",
    "year": "2011"
}, {
    "sale": "179",
    "year": "2012"
}, {
    "sale": "199",
    "year": "2013"
}, {
    "sale": "134",
    "year": "2014"
}, {
    "sale": "176",
    "year": "2015"

Directive 指示

    .directive('linechart', [function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            scope: {
                id: "@",
                observation: "="
            link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
                $scope.$watch("observation", function(newVal, oldVal){
                    console.log("OBS : " + newVal);
                }, true);


<linechart id="linechart3" observation="vm.observation"></linechart>

When the page load the chart correctly display the data and the console correctly log inside $watch is correctly executed. 页面加载后,图表将正确显示数据,并且控制台将正确执行$watch日志。

Anyway after pressing the shortcut the $watch is not triggered whereas the array is updated 无论如何,按下快捷键后,不会触发$watch而数组会更新

I can't find the error in my code 我在代码中找不到错误

You add something to the array, but the array itself stays the same. 您向数组添加了一些内容,但数组本身保持不变。 A regular watcher only reacts to a value that changes. 常规观察者仅对变化的值做出反应。 That's why Angular also provides $watchCollection : 这就是Angular还提供$watchCollection的原因:


$watchCollection also monitors the content of the array, ie it checks if something was removed or added. $watchCollection还监视数组的内容,即检查是否已删除或添加了某些内容。

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