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[英]How to pass an Element of DOM in xml to another activities

XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();

String expression = "...";

EmParent = (Element) xpath.compile(expression).evaluate(Doc,XPathConstants.NODE);

Intent intent = new Intent(com.FSC.xml.MainActivity.this,com.FSC.xml.FileForm.class);
intent.putExtra("Em", EmParent)


You can't pass nonParcelable or nonSerializable objects into the Intent . 您不能将不可Parcelable或不可序列化的对象传递到Intent Here is similar question . 这是类似的问题

But if you know structure of the EmParent class 但是如果您知道EmParent类的结构

First , you can create a wrapper class which will extend Parcelable or implement Serializable and converter method which converts EmParent into EmParentWrapper and then pass it into intent . 首先 ,您可以创建一个包装器类,该类将扩展Parcelable或实现Serializable和converter方法,该方法将EmParent转换为EmParentWrapper ,然后将其传递给intent

Second , is to put in the intent data from you element by names(of course if you know it) 其次 ,是按名称放入您元素的intent数据(当然,如果您知道的话)

    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.putExtra("FirstAttr", element.getAttribute("FirstAttr"));
    intent.putExtra("SecondAttr", element.getAttribute("SecondAttr"));

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