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TFS 2015:为测试用例添加测试步骤

[英]TFS 2015: adding test steps to test case

I'm trying to create programmatically a Test Plan, with a Test Suite and a Test Case. 我正在尝试以编程方式创建测试计划,包括测试套件和测试用例。 The problem is to add Test Steps to my Test Case. 问题是在我的测试用例中添加测试步骤。 This code create correctly a Test Plan with a Test Suite and a Test Case but not Test Steps in my Test Case. 此代码使用测试套件和测试用例正确创建了测试计划,但未在我的测试用例中创建测试步骤。 Where am I wrong? 我哪里错了?

   static void Main(string[] args)
            var tfs = TfsHelper.TryToAutenticated();
            var wis = tfs.GetService<WorkItemStore>();

            //TEST PLAN
            // Let's create a new Test Plan from scratch
            // Only the Name property is required to be set before
            // you can save, but we'll set a few extras here as well.
            ITestManagementService service = (ITestManagementService)tfs.GetService(typeof(ITestManagementService));
            ITestManagementTeamProject myTestManagementTeamProject = service.GetTeamProject("GammaEnterprise");
            ITestPlan newTestPlan = myTestManagementTeamProject.TestPlans.Create();
            newTestPlan.Name = "My Test Plan";                

            //TEST SUITE
            // Next let's add a new Test Suite to our plan
            // First, create a static suite (I'll cover Dynamic Suites
            // in a future post)
            IStaticTestSuite newSuite = myTestManagementTeamProject.TestSuites.CreateStatic();
            newSuite.Title = "My Suite";


            //TEST CASE
            // Let's find the default configuration that was created when
            // we created our Team Project.  We'll need this to add some
            // tests to our new suite (or we could create a new one, but 
            // I'll keep things simple and just get the default one for now)
            ITestConfiguration defaultConfig = null;

            foreach (ITestConfiguration config in myTestManagementTeamProject.TestConfigurations.Query(
                "Select * from TestConfiguration"))
                defaultConfig = config;

            // I would typically check that defaultConfig is not null here
            // but for brevity sake will skip that.

            // Next we'll create a Testcase to add to our Test Suite
            ITestCase tc = myTestManagementTeamProject.TestCases.Create();
            tc.Title = "Verify X";             

            //HERE THE PROBLEM----------------------
            ITestStep ts = tc.CreateTestStep();
            ts.TestStepType = TestStepType.ActionStep;
            ts.Description = "Description";
            ts.Title = "Title";

            // Now let's add it to your suite, we still have our reference
            // to the static suite around so we'll use that
            // First we need an "IdAndName" object for our config
            IdAndName defaultConfigIdAndName = new IdAndName(defaultConfig.Id, defaultConfig.Name);

            // Now we'll set the default configs for our suite
            newSuite.SetDefaultConfigurations(new IdAndName[] { defaultConfigIdAndName } );

            // Now let's add that testcase

            // Now let's save the plan (don't need to explicitly
            // save test suites).
        catch(Exception ex)

You can use Namespace : Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client 您可以使用命名空间:Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client

For example: 例如:

   var step = testCase.CreateTestStep();
   step.Title = "Step 1 @param1";
   step.ExpectedResult = "Expect 1 @param2";

So I think you just need to add step to Actions. 所以我认为你只需要在Actions中添加一步。

More details: 更多细节:

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.client.itestbase.actions.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.teamfoundation.testmanagement.client.itestbase.actions.aspx

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