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[英]How to generate a matrix with a function pattern?

Background info (Optional reading): 背景信息 (可选阅读):

I'm running simulations of reflections of sound waves in against boundaries. 我正在模拟声波在边界上的反射。 The medium conditions for the points in space are set using a matrix. 使用矩阵设置空间点的介质条件。 Let's say the dimensions of the space is an N by N grid, and there are two speeds of sound I care about, c0 and c1 . 假设空间的尺寸是N × N网格,并且我关心的是两种音速, c0c1

Right now I'm using code like the following to generate barrier patterns 现在,我正在使用类似以下的代码来生成屏障模式

medium.sound_speed = c0*ones(N,N);   % set the speed of sound to be c0 everywhere
medium.sound_speed(:, N/2:N) = c1;   % set the right half of the grid to a different speed
medium.sound_speed(50:70, 50:70) = c1; % set a box to have a different speed

Or 要么

% set all speeds to c0 except set the diagonal to c1
medium.sound_speed = c0*ones(N,N)-(c0*eye(N,N))+c1*eye(N,N); 

However, I can't generate more complex boundaries with different curvatures. 但是,我无法生成具有不同曲率的更复杂的边界。


I want to programmatically create matrices with patterns reflecting functions. 我想以编程方式创建具有反映功能的模式的矩阵。 For instance, I want to enter f(x)=2 and for that to create a matrix that looked something like this, assuming N=6 . 例如,我想输入f(x)=2并为此创建一个看起来像这样的矩阵,假设N=6

[ 0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0 0 0 
  1 1 1 1 1 1 
  0 0 0 0 0 0 
  0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

Or f(x)=0.5*x+1 f(x)=0.5*x+1

[ 0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0 1 1
  0 0 1 1 0 0 
  1 1 0 0 0 0 
  0 0 0 0 0 0]

I would also be able to generate curved patterns like f(x)=1/x , which seems to require some form of the Midpoint circle algorithm , used for drawing curvatures with pixels. 我还能够生成类似f(x)=1/x弯曲图案,这似乎需要某种形式的Midpoint圆算法 ,用于绘制带有像素的曲率。

[ 1 0 0 0 0 0
  1 0 0 0 0 0
  0 1 0 0 0 0
  0 0 1 1 0 0
  0 0 0 0 1 1  
  0 0 0 0 0 0 ]

In reality, N is at least 128, so manually creating these matrices for shapes with some level of complexity is impractical, and I thought this was an interesting problem. 实际上, N至少为128,因此为具有某种程度复杂性的形状手动创建这些矩阵是不切实际的,我认为这是一个有趣的问题。

Does anyone know of some way to do this, or suggestions for alternative approaches? 有人知道这样做的方法吗,或者对替代方法的建议?

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Edit: I modified this implementation of Bresenham's algorithm to provide a matrix with the desired line given an origin and an ending point. 编辑:我修改这个实现布氏算法,以提供给定的起点和终点所需的行的矩阵。

function M=bresenham_line(point)

if (abs(point(4)-point(2)) > abs(point(3)-point(1)))       % If the line is steep                                
    x0 = point(2);y0 = point(1); x1 = point(4);y1=point(3);% then it would be converted to 
    token =1;                                              % non steep by changing coordinate
    x0 = point(1);y0 = point(2); x1 = point(3);y1=point(4);
    token = 0; 
if(x0 >x1)
    temp1 = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = temp1;
    temp2 = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = temp2;
dx = abs(x1 - x0) ;                              % Distance to travel in x-direction
dy = abs(y1 - y0);                               % Distance to travel in y-direction
sx = sign(x1 - x0);                              % sx indicates direction of travel in X-dir
sy = sign(y1 - y0);                              % Ensures positive slope line

x = x0; y = y0;                                  % Initialization of line
param = 2*dy - dx ;                              % Initialization of error parameter
for i = 0:dx-1                                   % FOR loop to travel along X
    x_coord(i+1) = x;                            % Saving in matrix form for plot
    y_coord(i+1) = y;

    param = param + 2*dy;                        % parameter value is modified
    if (param >0)                                % if parameter value is exceeded
        y = y +1*sy;                             % then y coordinate is increased
        param = param - 2*(dx );                 % and parameter value is decreased

    x = x + 1*sx;                                % X-coordinate is increased for next point

M = zeros(size(x_coord,2), size(y_coord,2));

for i=1:1:size(x_coord,2)
    x = x_coord(i);
    y = y_coord(i);

    M(x,y) = 1;


Implemented like so: 像这样实现:

c1 = 0;
M = bresenham_line([1 1 Nx/2+1 Ny+1]);
medium.sound_speed = c0*ones(Nx,Ny) - (c0*M) + c1*M; 

No progress on curved function shapes yet. 弯曲函数形状尚无进展。

This is a slightly 'dirty' way of getting something like this, although I you best bet might Bresenham's algorithm. 尽管这样最好,但我最好打赌布雷森汉姆的算法可能会有点“肮脏”。

N = 128;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:N,1:N);
bound1 = Y<2*X;
bound2 = Y<2*X+1;
M = xor(bound1,bound2);

bound1 you can define any function y=f(x) , and mark the area under it. bound1可以定义任何函数y=f(x) ,并标记其下的区域。 with bound2 you select and area that is slightly higher (shifted up). 使用bound2您选择的区域会稍高一些(向上移动)。 Once you take and xor of the two area you get just the desired y=f(x) marked. 一旦你把和xor两个区域的,你得到的只是所需的y=f(x)标记。 I think that in order to get reasonable results the shift might be different for more complicated function. 我认为,为了获得合理的结果,对于更复杂的功能而言,移位可能有所不同。

For illustration I used imagesc (the flipud is just for make the (0,0) in the bottom left, instead of the top left): 为了说明起见,我使用了imagescflipud仅用于使(0,0)位于左下角,而不是左上角):


Edit 编辑

Indeed for some function this might not be the best. 确实,对于某些功能,这可能不是最好的。 For example for y=x^2 , you have to increase the shift and still does not look great. 例如,对于y=x^2 ,您必须增加偏移量,但看起来仍然不太好。

bound1 = Y<X.^2;
bound2 = Y<X.^2+15;
M = xor(bound1,bound2);

A way to get some similar results: 一种获得类似结果的方法:

f = @(x)0.5*x; %create the function (x should be written even if the function doesn't depend on x: @(x) 0*x + 2)
N = 6; %choose the size of the atrix
M = zeros(N,N); %create an empty matrix
x = (1:N); 
y = round(f(x-1)); %discretization
x(y>N-1|y<0) = [];
y(y>N-1|y<0) = [];
M(sub2ind(size(M),y+1,x)) = 1;
M = flipud(M)

So you can choose your function, then the result in your matrix will look like a discretization of a normal plot . 因此,您可以选择函数,然后矩阵中的结果将看起来像是正态plot的离散化。

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