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[英]Angular 2: How to pass value from one component to refresh another component on change detection?

So I'm using ng2-bootstrap typeahead for a search field that I have. 所以我正在使用ng2-bootstrap typeahead作为搜索字段。 When I select a value returned, I want it to refresh the pane below with the details that come from the selected item. 选择返回的值时,我希望它使用来自所选项目的详细信息刷新下面的窗格。

In my parent component, I have this: 在我的父组件中,我有这个:


<input [(ngModel)]="asyncSelected"
                           class="form-control" style="width: 250px;" placeholder="Search Chip Families">
<div class="container-fluid">

TypeScript: 打字稿:

public onSelectSearchValue(e: TypeaheadMatch): void {
    this.chipFamilyId = e.item.id;

How is it that I pass this value that comes back from the typeahead to my component that handles the call to the service to lookup the details and place it in the <router-outlet> ? 我如何将从预输入返回的值传递给处理对服务的调用的组件,以查找详细信息并将其放置在<router-outlet> Using change detection didn't seem to work. 使用变更检测似乎无效。

My child component is as follows: 我的孩子部分如下:


<div class="content" *ngIf='chipFamilies && chipFamilies.length'>
    <ol class="breadcrumb">
        <li><a [routerLink]="['/home']">Home</a></li>
        <li><a [routerLink]="['/chipFamily']">{{chipFamilies.Hierarchy}}</a></li>
        <li class="active">{{chipFamilies.Name}}</li>

TypeScript: 打字稿:

export class ChipFamilyComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
    errorMessage: string;
    @Input() chipFamilyId: number = 11223;
    chipFamilies: IChipFamily[];

    constructor(private _adminService: ChipFamilyService) {


    ngOnInit(): void {
        //Initially load 11223 on load
            chipFamilies => this.chipFamilies = chipFamilies,
            error => this.errorMessage = <any>error

    ngOnChanges(changes:{[propKey: string]: SimpleChange}) {
            chipFamilies => this.chipFamilies = chipFamilies,
            error => this.errorMessage = <any>error

From Harry_Ninh 's excellent suggestion, here's what I came up with to allow communication between components without using a @Input and any component selectors: 根据Harry_Ninh的出色建议,这是我想出的允许组件之间通信的方法,而无需使用@Input和任何组件选择器:

In my service, I added a subject to allow the parent to announce that a search was made: 在我的服务中,我添加了一个主题,以允许家长宣布已进行搜索:

export class ChipFamilyService {
    private searchStringSubject = new Subject<string>();
    private _searchUrl = 'http://localhost:8888/chipfamily/'; 

    constructor(private _http: Http) {

    searchAnnounced$ = this.searchStringSubject.asObservable();

    announceSearch(searchValue: string) {

In my parent component, I just made the announcement after the result was selected from my typeahead field: 在我的父组件中,我是从预输入字段中选择结果后才宣布的:

public onSelectSearchValue(e: TypeaheadMatch): void {

In my child component, I subscribe to the announcement and then update the model based on the new data in the constructor: 在我的子组件中,我订阅了公告,然后根据构造函数中的新数据更新模型:

    template: require('./chip-family.component.html')
export class ChipFamilyComponent implements OnInit {
    errorMessage: string;
    chipFamilyId: number = 11223;
    chipFamilies: IChipFamily[];
    private gridOptions:GridOptions;
    subscription: Subscription;

    constructor(private chipFamilyService: ChipFamilyService) {
        this.subscription = chipFamilyService.searchAnnounced$.subscribe(
            chipFamilyId => {
                this.chipFamilyId = Number(chipFamilyId);
                    chipFamilies => this.chipFamilies = chipFamilies,
                    error => this.errorMessage = <any>error


This achieves the desired result of the view panel updating with the new data based on the typeahead search. 这样可以基于预输入搜索使用新数据更新视图面板,从而获得理想的结果。


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