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[英]Lucene search creteria change the word

I use lucene for searching. 我使用lucene搜索。

For each doc in index I have some field called "uniqueIdentifier" with type string. 对于索引中的每个文档,我都有一个名为string的字段,称为“ uniqueIdentifier”。

When I want to find all items with "uniqueIdentifier" == "haaglanden", I use the next code: 当我想查找所有带有“ uniqueIdentifier” ==“ haaglanden”的商品时,我使用下面的代码:

var searcher = Examine.ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["RegionsSearcher"];
var searchCriteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria(BooleanOperation.And);
var temp = searchCriteria.RawQuery("+uniqueIdentifier:" + uniqueIdentifier);

In temp I see : 在临时我看到:

LuceneQuery: {+(+uniqueIdentifier:haagland)}

But " haagland " != " haaglanden ". 但是“ haagland ”!=“ haaglanden ”。

And I can not find my docs. 而且我找不到我的文档。

How can I build query with "haaglanden"? 如何使用“ haaglanden”构建查询?

The cause was in analyzer. 原因是在分析仪中。

Swiched Lucene.Net.Analysis.Nl. 夹式Lucene.Net.Analysis.Nl。 DutchAnalyzer to Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard. 适用于Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard的DutchAnalyzer StandardAnalyzer . StandardAnalyzer

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