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[英]Aggregating rmse and r2 in r

Here is a sample data as data2: 这是作为data2的示例数据:

lvl xy 0 20.099 21.2 100 21.133 21.4 250 20.866 21.6 500 22.679 21.8 750 22.737 22.1 0 30.396 32.0 100 31.373 32.1 250 31.303 32.2 500 33.984 32.8 750 44.563 38.0 0 22.755 18.5 100 23.194 18.8 250 23.263 20.5 500 23.061 27.9 750 25.678 36.4

I tried to get the rmse and r2 for each level (lvl) by the following lines of codes: data2 %>% group_by(lvl) %>% summarise_each(funs(rmse(data2$x~data2$y))) and summary(lm(data2$x,data2$y))$r.squared respectively, and I got the following error message when calculating rmse: 我试图通过以下代码行获取每个级别(lvl)的rmse和r2: data2 %>% group_by(lvl) %>% summarise_each(funs(rmse(data2$x~data2$y)))summary(lm(data2$x,data2$y))$r.squared ,计算rmse时出现以下错误消息:

Error: argument "obs" is missing, with no default 错误:缺少参数“ obs”,没有默认值


# A tibble: 5 x 3 lvl xy <int> <dbl> <dbl> 1 0 0.6639888 0.6639888 2 100 0.6639888 0.6639888 3 250 0.6639888 0.6639888 4 500 0.6639888 0.6639888 5 750 0.6639888 0.6639888

when calculating r2. 在计算r2时。

I wanted to aggregate the rmse and r2 for each level. 我想汇总每个级别的rmse和r2。 In this case I have only 5 levels.So the answer will look like 5 rows X 3 columns with column names `"lvl","rmse","r2" Thank you in advance. 在这种情况下,我只有5个级别。因此答案看起来像5行X 3列,列名称为““ lvl”,“ rmse”,“ r2”。谢谢。

You don't need summarise_each summarise will do what you want. 你不需要summarise_each总结会做你想要什么。 If you prefer using dplyr here is a solution 如果您更喜欢使用dplyr,这是一个解决方案

data2 <-
  lvl = c(  0, 100, 250, 500, 750, 0, 100, 250, 500, 750, 0, 100, 250, 500, 750)
  ,x = c(
    20.099, 21.133, 20.866, 22.679, 22.737, 30.396, 31.373, 31.303, 33.984, 44.563, 22.755, 23.194, 23.263, 23.061, 25.678
  ,y = c(21.2, 21.4, 21.6, 21.8, 22.1, 32.0, 32.1, 32.2, 32.8, 38.0, 18.5, 18.8, 20.5, 27.9, 36.4)


data2 %>%
  group_by(lvl) %>%
    RMSE = rmse(x, y)
    ,R2 = cor(x, y)^2

## A tibble: 5 × 3
#    lvl     RMSE        R2
#  <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#1     0 2.701237 0.8176712
#2   100 2.575982 0.8645350
#3   250 1.729888 0.9091029
#4   500 2.920640 0.7207692
#5   750 7.267279 0.4542507
## split your data2 into a list by the levels of the factor and then use lapply
list_of_rsquared <- lapply(split(data2, data2$lvl), function (z) {
  summary(lm(x ~ y, data = z))$r.squared

## you will get a list of r.squared for each level . Now you can simply rbind the list of r.squared.
rsquared_vals <- do.call("rbind", list_of_rsquared)

You can use the same approach for RMSE. 您可以对RMSE使用相同的方法。 (I am assuming you have written a function called RMSE? because I am just using the formula you have above) (我假设您已经编写了一个称为RMSE的函数?因为我只是使用上面的公式)

list_of_rmse <- lapply(split(data2, data2$lvl), function (z) { sqrt(mean((z$x - z$y)^2)) } )

rmse_vals <- do.call("rbind", list_of_rmse)

you can just cbind all three columns you need now: 您只需cbind现在需要的所有三列:

cbind(data2$lvl, rsquared_vals, rmse_vals)

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