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[英]java-8 Predicated with parameter

For java8 in action example :: https://github.com/java8/Java8InAction/blob/master/src/main/java/lambdasinaction/chap1/FilteringApples.java 对于Java8实际示例:: https://github.com/java8/Java8InAction/blob/master/src/main/java/lambdasinaction/chap1/FilteringApples.java

 public static boolean isGreenApple(Apple apple), 
 public static boolean isHeavyApple(Apple apple) {

I want to add a similar method eg 我想添加类似的方法,例如

public static boolean isAppleOfColor(Apple apple, String color)

And i want to access it using same pattern :: 我想使用相同的模式访问它:

 List<Apple> colorApples = filterApples(inventory, FilteringApples::isAppleOfColor("red"));

But I can't pass arguments in FilteringApples::isAppleOfColor("red"). 但是我不能在FilteringApples :: isAppleOfColor(“ red”)中传递参数。

So far I have achieved this using following : 到目前为止,我已经使用以下方法实现了这一点:

public static Predicate<Apple> colourMatches( String color) {
    return p->color.equals(p.getColor());

and then calling 然后打电话

  List<Apple> colorApples = filterApples(inventory, (Apple a)->a.colourMatchesOnApple("red"));

This works. 这可行。 But is there a way I can use the "referred" parameterized methods like FilteringApples::isAppleOfColor("red"). 但是有没有一种方法可以使用FilteringApples::isAppleOfColor("red").类的“引用”参数化方法FilteringApples::isAppleOfColor("red").

thanks 谢谢


Thanks All, I just realized in JLS 15.13 : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.13 as following text: 谢谢,我刚刚在JLS 15.13中实现: https : //docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.13 ,如下所示:

It is not possible to specify a particular signature to be matched, for example, Arrays::sort(int[]). 无法指定要匹配的特定签名,例如Arrays :: sort(int [])。 Instead, the functional interface provides argument types that are used as input to the overload resolution algorithm (§15.12.2). 而是,功能接口提供了用作过载解析算法(第15.12.2节)的输入的参数类型。 This should satisfy the vast majority of use cases; 这应该满足绝大多数用例; when the rare need arises for more precise control, a lambda expression can be used. 当极少数需要进行更精确的控制时,可以使用lambda表达式。

Method reference cannot capture additional variables. 方法参考无法捕获其他变量。

What you can do is 你能做的是

List<Apple> colorApples = filterApples(inventory, a -> isAppleOfColor(a, "red"));

which you will note is shorter. 您会注意到它较短。

Note: I would avoid using a static method esp when the first argument is a type you are writing. 注意:当第一个参数是您正在编写的类型时,我将避免使用static方法esp。 Much better to add 更好地添加

// added to Apple
public boolean isColor(String color)

and you can call 你可以打电话

List<Apple> colorApples = filterApples(inventory, a -> a.isColor("red"));

which is likely to be the same as 这可能与

List<Apple> colorApples = inventory.stream()
                                   .filter(a -> a.isColor("red"))

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