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C# 用户定义的异常未被捕获

[英]C# user defined exception not being caught

I defined my custom exception like this:我像这样定义了我的自定义异常:

    public class WrongFileException : Exception
        public WrongFileException()

        public WrongFileException(string message) : base(message)


        public WrongFileException(string message, Exception innerExeException) : base(message, innerExeException)


I have a button that opens a file and I want to throw an exception when it's the wrong file:我有一个打开文件的按钮,当它是错误的文件时,我想抛出异常:

private void PanelOpen_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog opendlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
        opendlg.DefaultExt = ".xml";
        opendlg.Filter="XML Files|*.xml";

        Nullable<bool> result = opendlg.ShowDialog();

        if (result == true)
            XmlSerializer XMLSerial = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Panel>));
            FileStream fsCheck = new FileStream(opendlg.FileName, FileMode.Open);
            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fsCheck);
            if (!XMLSerial.CanDeserialize(reader))
                throw (new WrongFileException("Wrong data sructure for PanelList"));
                using (FileStream fsRead = new FileStream(opendlg.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    PanelList = XMLSerial.Deserialize(fsRead) as List<Panel>;
                PanelBoxListView.ItemsSource = PanelList;
            catch(WrongFileException q)
                MessageBox.Show("WrongFileException: {0}", q.Message);

Testing it trying to open with a file that won't work I get "WrongFileException was unhandled".测试它试图用一个不起作用的文件打开我得到“WrongFileException 未处理”。 I don't get why because I am catching the exception?我不明白为什么,因为我正在捕获异常?

Your throw (new WrongFileException(...));你的throw (new WrongFileException(...)); is before the try block, so the try - catch never becomes relevant.try之前,所以try - catch永远不会变得相关。

It catches only if the exception is thrown within try block.只有在 try 块中抛出异常时,它才会捕获。

                if (!XMLSerial.CanDeserialize(reader))
                    throw (new WrongFileException("Wrong data sructure for PanelList"));
                using (FileStream fsRead = new FileStream(opendlg.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    PanelList = XMLSerial.Deserialize(fsRead) as List<Panel>;
                PanelBoxListView.ItemsSource = PanelList;
            catch(WrongFileException q)
                MessageBox.Show("WrongFileException: {0}", q.Message);
                //throw; throw only if you handle/log it down the track

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