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如何在 Atom 编辑器的正则表达式中匹配多行中的任何字符?

[英]How do I match any character across multiple lines in a regular expression for Atom Editor?

I wrote a RegEx to match any character across multiple lines between two tags in Atom.我写了一个 RegEx 来匹配 Atom 中两个标签之间多行的任何字符。

This is my RegEx:这是我的正则表达式:

<column name=\"body\">([\s\S]*)<\/column>

This is the content of my file:这是我的文件的内容:

<column name="body">Lorem ipsum dolor 1.
Si stante, hoc natura videlicet vult;
Est, ut dicis, inquam.</column>
<column name="body">Lorem ipsum dolor 2.
Si stante, hoc natura videlicet vult;
Est, ut dicis, inquam.</column>

Unfortunately the RegEx matches everything.不幸的是,正则表达式匹配一切。 What am i doing wrong?我做错了什么?

Try adding the "non-greedy" ?尝试添加“非贪婪” ? quantifier, like this:量词,像这样:

<column name=\"body\">([\s\S])*?<\/column>

It will make the ([\\s\\S]) capture group match as few times as possible.它将使([\\s\\S])捕获组匹配尽可能少的次数。 Without the ?没有? , it will match as many as possible. ,它将匹配尽可能多的。

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