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如何更改字符串中特定单词的颜色? vb.net

[英]How change the color of a specific word in a string? vb.net

I have a problem with color of a specific word in a string. 我的字符串中的特定单词的颜色有问题。 I have my string like that: 我有我的字符串:

1) i Create a table like that: 1)我创建一个这样的表:

Dim SequenceTable As New DataTable
SequenceTable.Columns.Add("Paragraph", GetType(String))
SequenceTable.Columns.Add("Description", GetType(String))
SequenceTable.Columns.Add("ActivityName", GetType(String))

2) I get value Paragraph, Description, and activityName: 2)我得到值段落,描述和activityName:

If SequenceRow.IsNull("ActivityNumber") = False Then
                                ActivityNumber = SequenceRow.ActivityNumber
                            End If

                            If SequenceRow.IsNull("Specification") = False Then
                                Specification = SequenceRow.Specification
                            End If

                            If SequenceRow.IsNull("Dimension") = False Then
                                Paragraph = SequenceRow.Dimension
                            End If

3) I put all string in table: 3)我把所有字符串放在表中:

                    Cell = New TableCell
                    Cell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
                    Cell.Width = Unit.Percentage(16.5)
                    Cell.CssClass = "FormatTabel"
                    Cell.Text = Description
                    Cell.Font.Size = 6
                    Cell.Wrap = True

My string in description 我在描述中的字符串

Description = "Presence and pictures required. Raw data and multiload required. "

I want the word pictures to be red and all word to be black? 我希望单词图片为红色,所有单词都是黑色的? But how can i set red color for word "pictures" and after put in table? 但是如何在单词“图片”中设置红色并放入表格后?

Thanks 谢谢

You can add <span/> with formatted text using InnerHtml in your cell instead Text 您可以在单元格中使用InnerHtml添加带有格式化文本的<span/> ,而不是Text

 Cell = New TableCell
 Cell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left
 Cell.Width = Unit.Percentage(16.5)
 Cell.InnerHtml = "<span  style='color: yellow'>" + "Presence" + "</span>" + "<span  style='color: black'>" + "...black text" + "</span>";
 Cell.Font.Size = 6
 Cell.Wrap = True
string AddColor(string Text, string word string color)
    return Text.Replace(word, "<span color: '" + color + "'>"+word+"</span>")

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