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[英]How to access component controller when testing?

I am trying to put together some tests of a component. 我正在尝试对组件进行一些测试。 I have the following 我有以下

describe(`selecting an item`, () => {
    let element, $scope;

    beforeEach(inject(($compile, $rootScope) => {
        $scope = $rootScope;
        element = $compile(`
            <item-selector parent-id="pid">

        //call $ctrl.activate() on the component's controller


the controller for item-selector has an activate() method. item-selector的控制器具有activate()方法。 How can I invoke it from my test? 如何从测试中调用它? $scope doesn't seem to contain any reference. $scope似乎不包含任何引用。

let ctrl = element.controller('item-selector')

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