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bluebird - 函数返回promise对象而不是实际数据

[英]bluebird - function returns promise objects instead of actual data

Following this snippet I am trying to write a function that loops trough a directory, finds directories, and reads xml file names from those directories (I know that the folder structure will always remain the same). 这个片段之后,我试图编写一个循环通过目录,查找目录,并从这些目录中读取xml文件名的函数(我知道文件夹结构将始终保持不变)。 So far my function is working as expected, but when I try to get the return from the function I just get Promise objects. 到目前为止,我的函数正在按预期工作,但是当我尝试从函数返回时,我只得到Promise对象。

My code: 我的代码:

const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
const path = require('path');

function getFileNames(rootPath) {
  // Read content of path
  return fs.readdirAsync(rootPath)
    // For every file in path
    .then(function(directories) {
      // Filter out the directories
      return directories.filter(function(file) {
        return fs.statSync(path.join(rootPath, file)).isDirectory();
    // For every directory
    .then(function(directories) {
      return directories.map(function(directory) {
        // Read file in the directory
        return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(rootPath, directory))
          .filter(function(file) {
            return path.extname(file) == '.XML';
          .then(function(files) {
            // Do something with the files
            return files;

getFileNames('./XML').then(function(files) {

When I console.log(files) inside the last .then function inside getFileNames , I get the actual arrays of file names in the console. 当我console.log(files)最后的内部.then内部功能getFileNames ,我得到的文件名的实际阵列控制台。 But when I run the code above I get this output: 但是当我运行上面的代码时,我得到了这个输出:

[ Promise {
    _bitField: 0,
    _fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
    _rejectionHandler0: undefined,
    _promise0: undefined,
    _receiver0: undefined },
  Promise {
    _bitField: 0,
    _fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
    _rejectionHandler0: undefined,
    _promise0: undefined,
    _receiver0: undefined },
  Promise {
    _bitField: 0,
    _fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
    _rejectionHandler0: undefined,
    _promise0: undefined,
    _receiver0: undefined },
  Promise {
    _bitField: 0,
    _fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
    _rejectionHandler0: undefined,
    _promise0: undefined,
    _receiver0: undefined },
  Promise {
    _bitField: 0,
    _fulfillmentHandler0: undefined,
    _rejectionHandler0: undefined,
    _promise0: undefined,
    _receiver0: undefined } ]

Why is this happening and how to fix it? 为什么会发生这种情况以及如何解决?

In the lines 在线

.then(function(directories) {
  return directories.map(function(directory) {
    return fs.readdirAsync…

you are creating a promise for an array of promises, and that's exactly what you're getting in your final log. 你正在为一系列承诺创造一个承诺,而这正是你在最终日志中得到的。 Instead of returning an array of promises, you need to return a promise for an array of values - and Promise.all is exactly what does that: 而不是返回一个promises数组,你需要返回一个值数组的promise - 而Promise.all正是这样做的:

.then(function(directories) {
  return Promise.all(directories.map(function(directory) {
    return fs.readdirAsync(…)

However, in Bluebird it would be more idiomatic to use Promise.map(directories, function(…) { … }) or even the map method (similar to how you already used .filter did on the files in each directory): 但是,在Bluebird中,使用Promise.map(directories, function(…) { … })甚至map方法 (类似于你已经使用.filter对每个目录中的文件.filter那样Promise.map(directories, function(…) { … })会更加惯用:

function getFileNames(rootPath) {
  return fs.readdirAsync(rootPath)
  .filter(function(file) {
    return fs.statAsync(path.join(rootPath, file)).then(function(s) {
      return s.isDirectory();
  .map(function(directory) {
    return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(rootPath, directory))
    .filter(function(file) {
      return path.extname(file) == '.XML';
    .map(function(file) {
      // Do something with every file
      return file;

try this 试试这个

return getFileNames('./XML').then(function(files) {
    return files;

This piece of code: 这段代码:

.then(function(directories) {
   return directories.map(function(directory) {
     return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(rootPath, directory))

will return an array of promises to the then callback. 将返回一个promises数组到当时的回调。 An array of promises count as an immediate value here, will not be coerected to a Promise of an array. Promise数组在此处计为立即值,不会与数组的Promise相关联。 To convert an array of promises to a promise of an array you could use Promise.all , but since you are using bluebird, you have a better option: 要将Promise.all数组转换为数组的promise,可以使用Promise.all ,但是由于您使用的是bluebird,因此您有更好的选择:

All you have to do is to use Promise.map : 您所要做的就是使用Promise.map

.then(function(directories) {
   return Promise.map(directories, function(directory) {
     return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(rootPath, directory))

Figured it out, there was one .then too much on the second function: 弄清楚,第二个函数有一个。然后太多了:

const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
const path = require('path');

function getFileNames(rootPath) {
  // Read content of path
  return fs.readdirAsync(rootPath)
      .then(function(content) {
        return content.filter(function(file) {
          return fs.statSync(path.join(rootPath, file)).isDirectory();
      // For every directory
      .map(function(directory) {
        // Read files in the directory
        return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(rootPath, directory))
            .filter(function(file) {
              return path.extname(file) == '.XML';

getFileNames('./XML').then(function(files) {

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