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[英]Structure C: Storing values in an array

Can anyone advise why values are not getting stored in struct array? 谁能建议为什么值不存储在结构数组中? I tried to store values in buffer array and I notice values that are getting stored 0 or 1 not user input. 我试图将值存储在缓冲区数组中,但我注意到要存储的值不是用户输入的0或1。

This is what I tried: 这是我尝试的:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int menu(void);
struct item
    int i_SKU;
    int i_QUANTITY;
    int i_PRICE;

int main()
    int i,j = 0;;
    int n;
    int input;
    //struct item item1[10] = { {0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0} };
    struct item item1[]={0};
    struct item buff[]={0};
    //printf("size of %d", sizeof(item1)/sizeof(item1[0]));
    printf("Welcome to the Inventory\n");
B: printf("Please select from the following:\n");

A: menu();
    scanf("%d", &input);

    switch (input)
        case 1:
            printf("ku     Price     Quant\n");
            for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buff)/sizeof(buff[0]); i++)
                printf("%d     %d        %d\n", buff[i].i_SKU, buff[i].i_PRICE, buff[i].i_QUANTITY);
            goto B;

        case 2:
            //n = sizeof(item1)/sizeof(item1[0]) + 1;
            //for (i=n; i < ; i++)
            printf("Please input a KU number:");
            buff[j].i_SKU=scanf("%d", &item1[j].i_SKU);
            buff[j].i_QUANTITY=scanf("%d", &item1[j].i_QUANTITY);
            buff[j].i_PRICE=scanf("%d", &item1[j].i_PRICE);
            printf("The item added.\n");
            goto B;

        case 0:

            printf("Invalid input, try again:\n");
            goto A;

    return 0;

int menu(void)
    printf("1) Display.\n");
    printf("2) Add to inventory.\n");
    printf("0) Leave.\n");
    return 0;

I tried to store values in buffer array and I notice values that are getting stored 0 or 1 not user input. 我试图将值存储在缓冲区数组中,但我注意到要存储的值不是用户输入的0或1。

scanf doesn't return the value it reads, it returns the number of characters it reads. scanf不返回其读取的值,而是返回其读取的字符数。

So these lines: 所以这些行:

buff[j].i_SKU=scanf("%d", &item1[j].i_SKU);
buff[j].i_SKU=scanf("%d", &item1[j].i_QUANTITY);
buff[j].i_SKU=scanf("%d", &item1[j].i_PRICE);

don't do what you want. 不要做你想做的。 They put the integer into item1[j].i_X , but assign buff[j].i_X to the number of characters read. 他们将整数放入item1[j].i_X ,但将buff[j].i_X分配给读取的字符数。

Also, I'm guessing you intended the left hand side of those three equations to differ, not all refer to i_SKU . 另外,我猜您打算使这三个方程的左侧不同,而不是全部都参考i_SKU

Another possible problem: your buffers don't have a length specified, so they will probably just have storage for one element. 另一个可能的问题:您的缓冲区没有指定长度,因此它们可能仅存储一个元素。

EDIT : 编辑

I'm not sure what purpose the items1 array serves in your code, but if you want the value in both arrays, you can try the following: 我不确定items1数组在代码中的用途是什么,但是如果您想在两个数组中使用该值,则可以尝试以下操作:

int sku;
printf("Please input a KU number:");
buff[j].i_SKU=scanf("%d", &sku);
item1[j].i_SKU = sku;
buff[j].i_SKU = sku;
// etc.

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