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[英]How is a non-UWP app in the Windows Store?

This app is an executable and not a UWP, yet you can install it right from the Windows Store. 此应用程序是可执行文件,而不是UWP,但您可以直接从Windows应用商店安装它。 I've been looking for how to put the executable apps I've made to the Windows Store but couldn't find how. 我一直在寻找如何将我制作的可执行应用程序放到Windows应用商店但无法找到的方法。 Can someone explain how to do this? 有人可以解释如何做到这一点?

This is done by using the Desktop Bridge , also known as the Desktop App Converter. 这是通过使用桌面桥 (也称为桌面应用程序转换器)来完成的。

It allows you to bring an exe (win32, winforms, WPF, ...) to the Windows Store so people can install it on their Windows 10 machine through the (trusted) store instead of having it to download it from obscure download sites. 它允许您将exe(win32,winforms,WPF,...)带到Windows应用商店,以便人们可以通过(可信)商店将其安装在Windows 10计算机上,而不是让它从晦涩的下载站点下载。

The first step is simply using the Desktop App Converter to get your .exe in the store. 第一步是使用Desktop App Converter在商店中获取.exe。 Once that is done, you can start adding Windows 10 specific features (like in-app purchases) to the converted app. 完成后,您可以开始向转换后的应用添加Windows 10特定功能(如应用内购买)。 Most simple .exe files and installers (msi, InstallShield, ...) can be converted easily, if you run into issues, don't hesitate to post on the official forums to get feedback or help. 大多数简单的.exe文件和安装程序(msi,InstallShield,...)都可以轻松转换,如果遇到问题,请不要犹豫,在官方论坛上发帖获取反馈或帮助。

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