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使用Swift 3中的NSCoder编码/解码日期?

[英]Encode/Decoding Date with NSCoder in Swift 3?

I'm writing a planner app, based on Apple's FoodTracker tutorial, that stores several strings, a Date, and a UIImage per Assignment. 我正在编写一个基于Apple的FoodTracker教程的计划器应用程序,它可以存储多个字符串,一个日期和每个分配的UIImage。 I'm encountering problems encoding/decoding the Date. 我遇到编码/解码日期的问题。 I don't know for sure which it is because the console outputs change with every slight modification, but from what I can tell, my code saves the Date as nil, and then when it tries to load that Date, it unexpectedly finds nil and crashes. 我不确定它是什么因为控制台输出随着每次轻微的修改而改变,但从我所知道的,我的代码将Date保存为nil,然后当它试图加载该Date时,它意外地发现nil和崩溃。 Because I'm relatively new to Swift and Swift 3 is a headache and a half, I have very little idea where the problem really is. 因为我对Swift相对较新,而Swift 3是一个令人头疼的问题,我几乎不知道问题究竟在哪里。 Here's the code that I think should work: 这是我认为应该工作的代码:

class Assignment: NSObject, NSCoding {

//MARK: Properties

var name: String
var className: String
var assignmentDescription: String
var materials: String
var dueDate: Date?
var assignmentImage: UIImage?

//MARK: Archiving Paths

static let DocumentsDirectory = FileManager().urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
static let ArchiveURL = DocumentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("assignments")

//MARK: Types

struct PropertyKey {
    static let nameKey = "name"
    static let classNameKey = "className"
    static let assignmentDescriptionKey = "assignmentDescription"
    static let materialsKey = "materials"
    static let dueDateKey = "dueDate"
    static let assignmentImageKey = "assignmentImage"

//MARK: Initialization

init?(name: String, className: String, assignmentDescription: String, materials: String, dueDate: Date, assignmentImage: UIImage?) {
    //Initialize stored properties.
    self.name = name
    self.className = className
    self.assignmentDescription = assignmentDescription
    self.materials = materials
    self.dueDate = dueDate
    self.assignmentImage = assignmentImage


    //Initialization should fail if there is no name and no class.
    if name.isEmpty && className.isEmpty {
        print("Failed to initialize an assignment.")
        return nil

//MARK: NSCoding

func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
    aCoder.encode(name, forKey: PropertyKey.nameKey)
    aCoder.encode(className, forKey: PropertyKey.classNameKey)
    aCoder.encode(assignmentDescription, forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentDescriptionKey)
    aCoder.encode(materials, forKey: PropertyKey.materialsKey)
    aCoder.encode(dueDate, forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey)
    aCoder.encode(assignmentImage, forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey)

required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    //Required fields.
    let name = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.nameKey) as! String
    let className = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.classNameKey) as! String

    //Optional fields.
    let assignmentDescription = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentDescriptionKey) as? String
    let materials = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.materialsKey) as? String
    let dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date
    let assignmentImage = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) as? UIImage

    //Must call designated initializer.
    self.init(name: name, className: className, assignmentDescription: assignmentDescription!, materials: materials!, dueDate: dueDate, assignmentImage: assignmentImage)

Any insight at all would be appreciated. 任何见解都将不胜感激。

Edit: 编辑:

With Duncan C's help and Xcode's fix-its, this is what required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) looks like now: 有了Duncan C的帮助和Xcode的修复 - 它,这是什么required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)现在看起来像:

//Required fields.
    let newName = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.nameKey) as! String
    let newClassName = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.classNameKey) as! String

    //Optional fields.
    var newAssignmentImage: UIImage?
    var newDueDate: Date

    let newAssignmentDescription = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentDescriptionKey) as! String
    let newMaterials = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.materialsKey) as! String

    if aDecoder.containsValue(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) {
        newDueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date
    } else {
        newDueDate = Date()
        if aDecoder.containsValue(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) {
            newAssignmentImage = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) as? UIImage
        } else {
            newAssignmentImage = UIImage(named: "sampleAssignmentImage")

    //Must call designated initializer.
    self.init(name: newName, className: newClassName, assignmentDescription: newAssignmentDescription, materials: newMaterials, dueDate: newDueDate, assignmentImage: newAssignmentImage)!

It compiles, but it still throws fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value on the line newDueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date 它编译,但它仍然会引发fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional valuenewDueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date行中fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value newDueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date newDueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date

Edit 2: 编辑2:

After going back to my original code and changing ? 回到我的原始代码并改变? to ! ! , this is what my code looks like: ,这就是我的代码:

 //Required fields.
    let name = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.nameKey) as! String
    let className = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.classNameKey) as! String

    //Optional fields.
    let assignmentDescription = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentDescriptionKey) as! String
    let materials = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.materialsKey) as! String
    let dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date
    let assignmentImage = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) as! UIImage

    //Must call designated initializer.
    self.init(name: name, className: className, assignmentDescription: assignmentDescription, materials: materials, dueDate: dueDate, assignmentImage: assignmentImage)

It compiles, but it still throws fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value on the line let dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date 它编译,但它仍然会抛出fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value let dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date行上的fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value let dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date let dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date

Edit 3 (Working): 编辑3(工作):

For anyone interested, here are the sections of the original code that were modified to make it work: 对于任何感兴趣的人,以下是原始代码的部分,这些部分经过修改以使其工作:

Properties: 属性:

//You can't encode optional values, so you don't use `?` here.
var dueDate: Date
var assignmentImage: UIImage

Initializer: 初始化:

//Removed the `?` after UIImage because it isn't an Optional.
init?(name: String, className: String, assignmentDescription: String, materials: String, dueDate: Date, assignmentImage: UIImage)

Decoder ( required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) ): 解码器( required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) ):

//Required fields.
let name = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.nameKey) as! String
let className = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.classNameKey) as! String

//Optional fields.
let assignmentDescription = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentDescriptionKey) as! String //This String should use `!` instead of `?`.
let materials = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.materialsKey) as! String //This String should use `!` instead of `?`.
let dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date
//Check for the UIImage being nil. If it is, assign some default image to it so that it doesn't unwrap nil and crash.
var assignmentImage: UIImage!
if aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) == nil {
    assignmentImage = UIImage(named: "SampleAssignmentImage")
else {
    assignmentImage = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) as! UIImage

//Must call designated initializer.
//`materials` and `assignmentDescription` don't need `!` now because they're already unwrapped.
self.init(name: name, className: className, assignmentDescription: assignmentDescription, materials: materials, dueDate: dueDate, assignmentImage: assignmentImage) 

It isn't perfect, but it works. 它并不完美,但它确实有效。

As Matt, says, you can't encode an optional. 正如Matt所说,你无法对可选项进行编码。 Rather than force-unwrapping it, though, I would suggest adding an if let and only adding the optionals to the archive if they contain a value: 但是,我建议添加一个if let并且仅在归档中添加一个选项,如果它们包含一个值,而不是强制解包它:

func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
        aCoder.encode(name, forKey: PropertyKey.nameKey)
        aCoder.encode(className, forKey: PropertyKey.classNameKey)
        aCoder.encode(assignmentDescription, forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentDescriptionKey)
        aCoder.encode(materials, forKey: PropertyKey.materialsKey)
        if let date = dueDate {
            aCoder.encode(date, forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey)

        if let image = assignmentImage {
            aCoder.encode(image, forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey)

And then in your init(coder:) method, check to see if the keys exist before decoding: 然后在你的init(编码器:)方法中,在解码之前检查密钥是否存在:

required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    //Required fields.
    name = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.nameKey) as! String
    className = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.classNameKey) as! String

    //Optional fields.
    assignmentDescription = aDecoder.containsValue(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentDescriptionKey) as? String
    materials = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.materialsKey) as? String

    if aDecoder.containsValue(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) {
        dueDate = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey) as! Date
    } else {
       dueDate = nil
    if aDecoder.containsValue(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) {
        assignmentImage = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: PropertyKey.assignmentImageKey) as? UIImage
    } else {
      assignmentImage = nil

    //Must call designated initializer.
    self.init(name: name, className: className, assignmentDescription: assignmentDescription!, materials: materials!, dueDate: dueDate, assignmentImage: assignmentImage)

EDIT: 编辑:

I just created a sample project called Swift3PhoneTest on Github (link) that demonstrates using NSSecureCoding to save a custom data container object. 我刚刚在Github(链接)上创建了一个名为Swift3PhoneTest的示例项目,它演示了使用NSSecureCoding来保存自定义数据容器对象。

It has both a non-optional and an optional property, and properly manages archiving and unarchiving when the optional property is nil. 它具有非可选属性和可选属性,并在可选属性为nil时正确管理归档和取消归档。

You can only encode an Objective-C object, and an Optional Date? 您只能编码Objective-C对象和可选Date? is not an Objective-C object. 不是Objective-C对象。 Try saying: 试着说:

aCoder.encode(dueDate! as NSDate, forKey: PropertyKey.dueDateKey)

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