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[英]Sesame And RDF4J Custom Server Data Location

I have a Tomcat instance running an openrdf-sesame environment. 我有一个运行openrdf-芝麻环境的Tomcat实例。 By default the location of my openrdf-sesame database configuration and data is at %APPDATA%\\aduna. 默认情况下,我的openrdf-芝麻数据库配置和数据的位置为%APPDATA%\\ aduna。 I am trying to change where this data saves to something custom like C:\\aduna. 我试图将这些数据的保存位置更改为C:\\ aduna之类的自定义内容。 I have looked at documentation online, but it does not specify if this is defined in a configuration file somewhere or if it is an hard coded location. 我在网上查看了文档,但是没有指定是否在某个配置文件中定义了该文件,或者它是否是硬编码位置。 I also saw that RDF4J is a new replacement for openrdf-sesame? 我还看到RDF4J是openrdf-芝麻的新替代品吗? I wouldn't mind upgrading if I could achieve the result of specifying where to save my data. 如果可以达到指定将数据保存在何处的结果,我不会介意升级。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

OpenRDF Sesame is no longer maintained, it has been succeeded by the Eclipse RDF4J project. 不再维护OpenRDF Sesame,它已由Eclipse RDF4J项目继承。 There is a migration guide available to help you figure out what to do when updating your project. 有一个迁移指南可帮助您确定更新项目时的操作。

Although the Sesame project is no longer maintained, a documentation archive is available, and of course a lot of the RDF4J documentation also applies to Sesame, albeit with slightly different package names. 尽管不再维护Sesame项目,但是可以使用文档存档 ,并且当然,许多RDF4J文档也适用于Sesame,尽管软件包名称稍有不同。

As for your specific question: the directory Sesame Server uses is determined by the system property info.aduna.platform.appdata.basedir . 至于您的特定问题:芝麻服务器使用的目录由系统属性info.aduna.platform.appdata.basedir确定。 Set this property (at JVM startup, using the -D flag) to the desired location. 将此属性设置为所需的位置(在JVM启动时,使用-D标志)。 See the archived documentation about application directory configuration for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关应用程序目录配置的存档文档。 As an aside: note that in RDF4J this property has been renamed (to org.eclipse.rdf4j.appdata.basedir ), so if you upgrade to RDF4J, be sure to change this. 顺便提一句:请注意,在RDF4J中,此属性已重命名(为org.eclipse.rdf4j.appdata.basedir ),因此,如果升级到RDF4J,请确保更改此属性。

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