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[英]How to make a bat file to abort itself if not finished in x seconds

How to make a bat file to abort itself if not finished in x seconds. 如果未在x秒内完成,如何制作bat文件中止自身。

In this script, some operation gets stuck sometimes, and I wish the whole script to exit(1) if it takes more than x seconds 在此脚本中,某些操作有时会卡住,我希望整个脚本在超过x秒后退出(1)。

Generate a Monitoring process at start of your Bat. 在蝙蝠开始时生成监视过程。 You have to set a Title for the process that will be killed after X seconds. 您必须为将在X秒后终止的进程设置标题

@echo on

::The Endtime in seconds
set "$Time=5"

::The title of the process to kill after [Endtime]
set "$Title=test"

title %$Title%

::Generating the monitoring process
echo timeout %$Time%
echo taskkill /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %$Title%" /T) >timer.bat

::Running the monitoring Process in another thread
start timer.bat

::Here come your code


I just putted pause to simulate your code replace it with your code. 我只是pause一下以模拟您的代码,用您的代码替换它。

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