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String.endsWith(/ [字符串] / [1-999] /)


I'm trying to parse the end of a url and redirect depending on it's ending. 我正在尝试解析url的结尾并根据其结尾进行重定向。

For example, if I'm going to www.something.com/foo/1/ I want to redirect to www.something.com/foo/1/bar . 例如,如果我要去www.something.com/foo/1/我想重定向到www.something.com/foo/1/bar The 1 in this case can be any positive integer. 在这种情况下,1可以是任何正整数。

What I've been trying with but can't get to work is: 我一直在尝试但无法正常工作的是:

if (window.location.href.endsWith('/foo/\\d/')) { fetch stuff and redirect } else { do something else }

Which doesn't work, I'm guessing endsWith can't parse regex. 这是行不通的,我猜endsWith不能解析正则表达式。

Thanks in advance, 提前致谢,

Peter 彼得

In your code endsWith('/foo/\\d/') check the string is ending with that particular string argument and won't work as a regex. 在您的代码endsWith('/foo/\\d/')检查字符串是否以该特定字符串参数结尾,并且不能用作正则表达式。

For checking using regex use RegExp#test method with regex /foo\\/\\d{1,3}\\/$/ . 要使用正则表达式进行检查,请对Regex /foo\\/\\d{1,3}\\/$/使用RegExp#test方法。


You can regex match for the end of string instead, 您可以将正则表达式匹配为字符串的结尾,


My regex might be wrong, but you can use the $ to denote end of string and just do a regular regex.test 我的正则表达式可能是错误的,但是您可以使用$表示字符串的结尾,而只需执行常规的regex.test

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