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关闭 Angular Material 对话框

[英]Closing an Angular Material dialog

Calling $mdDialog.cancel() from the controller will close the dialog.从控制器调用 $mdDialog.cancel() 将关闭对话框。 But is there a way of not using a controller to close the dialog box like directly from the html ?但是有没有一种方法可以不使用控制器直接从 html 中关闭对话框? I want something like this to work:我想要这样的工作:

<md-dialog-actions layout="row">
      <span flex></span>
      <md-button ng-click="$mdDialog.cancel()" style="margin-right:20px;" >

In your show() code, you can create a child scope and add the close() function:在您的show()代码中,您可以创建一个子作用域并添加close()函数:

    scope: angular.extend($scope.$new(), { close: function() {$mdDialog.cancel();} })

Then in your dialog's HTML, just use ng-click="close()" .然后在对话框的 HTML 中,只需使用ng-click="close()"

Alternatively, you can pass the $mdDialog object as a property of your scope.或者,您可以将$mdDialog对象作为作用域的属性传递。

However, it's even more code than creating a controller (which can also be created inside the show() function).然而,它比创建控制器(也可以在show()函数中创建show()更多的代码。


<md-button ng-click="cancel()"></md-button>

And in your dialog controller在你的对话控制器中

$scope.cancel = function() {

You can add mat-dialog-close to the button you want to trigger the close event from您可以将mat-dialog-close添加到要从中触发关闭事件的按钮

Example: <button mat-dialog-close> Close </button>示例: <button mat-dialog-close> Close </button>

You can bind an scope into the dialog config:您可以将范围绑定到对话框配置中:

 $mdDialog.show({ targetEvent: $event, template: '<md-dialog>' + ' <md-dialog-content>Hello {{ employee }}!</md-dialog-content>' + ' <md-dialog-actions>' + ' <md-button ng-click="closeDialog()" class="md-primary">' + ' Close Greeting' + ' </md-button>' + ' </md-dialog-actions>' + '</md-dialog>', scope: $scope, preserveScope: true });

For more info about the config properties you can see the dialog config documentation in here有关配置属性的更多信息,您可以在此处查看对话框配置文档

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