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[英]Javascript not executing inside shadow DOM

I am working on an application where I've to load other html webpages to current page. 我正在一个应用程序中将其他HTML网页加载到当前页面。 Other webpages are independent applications. 其他网页是独立的应用程序。 I am trying to load webpage in shadow DOM. 我正在尝试在影子DOM中加载网页。 For that I've used below code, where it will try to import test-template.html in shadowRoot. 为此,我使用了以下代码,它将尝试在shadowRoot中导入test-template.html。 Here I am not using template tag, because I've to render template dynamically (Using ajax). 在这里,我不使用模板标记,因为我必须动态渲染模板(使用Ajax)。

    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <input type="button" onclick="loadTemplate()" value="Load template">
     <div id="template-holder"></div>
     function loadTemplate() {
      var templateUrl = "test-template.html",
      templateReceivedCallback = function(response) {
         var div = document.getElementById('template-holder'),
            shadowRoot = div.attachShadow({
                mode: 'open'
        shadowRoot.innerHTML = response;
     $.get(templateUrl, templateReceivedCallback);

And test-template.html will look like this: 并且test-template.html将如下所示:

  <div>Hello from template</div>

     alert("this text is from script inside of template")

I am able to load the mentioned test-template.html in my current page, but javascript inside of test-template.html is not executing. 我可以在当前页面中加载提到的test-template.html,但是test-template.html中的javascript无法执行。 Is there any way to make the script run ? 有什么办法可以使脚本运行? If yes, please share the running example. 如果是,请分享正在运行的示例。 Thanks. 谢谢。

To make the <script> active, you should first insert the loaded file in a <template> element. 要激活<script> ,首先应将加载的文件插入<template>元素中。 Then use the importNode() method that will clone the content of the template and execute the scripts inside. 然后使用importNode()方法将克隆模板的content并在其中执行脚本。

Instead of: 代替:

shadowRoot.innerHTML = response;

Do: 做:

var template = document.createElement( 'template' )
template.innerHTML = response 
shadowRoot.appendChild( document.importNode( template.content, true ) )

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