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如何使用 maskRe 限制 ExtJs Textfield 只接受数字。 (应接受 Positive 、 Negative 、 integer 和 decimal 数字。)

[英]How to restrict ExtJs Textfield to accept only numbers using maskRe . (Should accept Positive , Negative , integer and decimal numbers.)

I need to configure my ExtJs textfield to accept only numbers which can be positive , negative , integer and decimals upto 2 decimals .我需要将 ExtJs 文本字段配置为仅接受可以是正数、负数、整数和最多 2 位小数的小数。 I tried with maskeRe and regular expression /^-?[0-9]\\d*(\\.\\d+)?$/ .我尝试使用maskeRe和正则表达式/^-?[0-9]\\d*(\\.\\d+)?$/ But its accepting only positive integers.但它只接受正整数。 User should not be able to type restricted characters.用户不应能够键入受限制的字符。 Also it should accept '-' only at first place and '.'它也应该只接受“-”和“。” in between and only once.介于两者之间,并且只有一次。

So it should accept : 10, -10, 10.12, -10.34 etc所以它应该接受: 10, -10, 10.12, -10.34 等

Link to my fiddle链接到我的小提琴


Change your maskRe to将您的maskRe更改为

maskRe: /[0-9.-]/,
validator: function(v) {
    return /^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$/.test(v)? true : 'Only positive/negative float (x.yy)/int formats allowed!';

The point is that you allow some chars using maskRe (not the value itself) and validate the string input within the validator .关键是您允许使用maskRe一些字符(不是值本身)并验证validator的字符串输入。

Pattern details :图案详情

  • ^ - start of string ^ - 字符串的开始
  • -? - an optional hyphen - 一个可选的连字符
  • [0-9]* - zero or more digits [0-9]* - 零个或多个数字
  • (\\.[0-9]{1,2})? - an optional sequence of - 一个可选的序列
    • \\. - a dot - 一个点
    • [0-9]{1,2} - any 1 or 2 digits [0-9]{1,2} - 任何 1 或 2 位数字
  • $ - end of string. $ - 字符串的结尾。


You may enforce to revert to a previous value if the input value is not matching the regex.如果输入值与正则表达式不匹配,您可以强制恢复为以前的值。 See the full snippet below:请参阅下面的完整片段:

    name: 'Fiddle',
    launch: function () {
        Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
            title: 'maskRe',
            width: 600,
            bodyPadding: 10,
            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
            items: [{
                xtype: 'textfield',
                fieldLabel: 'Enter Postive or Negative integer or decimal No.',
                width : 600,
                labelWidth : 300,
                anchor: '100%',
                maskRe: /[0-9.-]/,
                validator: function(v) {
                    return /^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$/.test(v)? true : 'Only positive/negative float (x.yy)/int formats allowed!';
                listeners: {
                    change: function(e, text, prev) {
                        if (!/^-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]{0,2})?$/.test(text)) 

The change event is added to the field listeners and if the value does not match /^-?[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]{0,2})?$/ regex (similar to the validation regex, but allows a dot without a digit right after to allow further input), the value is reverted with this.setValue(prev) . change事件添加到字段listeners ,如果值不匹配/^-?[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]{0,2})?$/ regex(类似于验证正则表达式,但允许后面没有数字的点以允许进一步输入),该值将通过this.setValue(prev)恢复。

you can use this property xtype: 'numberfield', it will accept all type of number.您可以使用此属性 xtype: 'numberfield',它将接受所有类型的数字。 For decimal value, we can use decimalPrecision:2.对于十进制值,我们可以使用decimalPrecision:2。

Try It, if a code will not work then please provide me your code.试试吧,如果代码不起作用,请向我提供您的代码。 So that I can suggest you the best solution.以便我可以向您推荐最佳解决方案。

All the best :)一切顺利:)

He left this way of doing it, in case someone is doing it this way they can serve他离开了这种方式,如果有人这样做,他们可以服务

Only Letters:只有字母:

<ext:TextField ID="tfname" FieldLabel="Name" MaskRe="([a-zA-Z])" runat="server" >

Only Numbers:只有数字:

<ext:TextField ID="tfnumber" FieldLabel="Number" MaskRe="([0-9])" runat="server" >

accept all previous:接受所有以前的:

<ext:TextField ID="tfname" FieldLabel="Name" MaskRe="([a-zA-Z0-9])" runat="server" >

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