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将const wchar_t *转换为WCHAR *

[英]Convert const wchar_t* into a WCHAR*

How do I make this to work? 我该如何使它工作? C++ types are really confusing: C ++类型真的很混乱:

std::wstring wquery = std::wstring(query.begin(), query.end());
//split names
std::vector<WCHAR*> split_names;
std::stringstream ss;
std::string name;
while (std::getline(ss, name, ',')) {
    ); //error can't assign const wchar_t* into WCHAR*

C++ tries to keep you from mistakes. C ++试图让你远离错误。 Here: 这里:

std::wstring(name.begin(), name.end())).c_str()

you create a temporary object std::wstring and get the pointer to the string content. 你创建一个临时对象std::wstring并获取指向字符串内容的指针。 Object will be destroyed right after you leave this block. 离开此区块后,对象将被销毁。 As a result you will get an invalid pointer. 因此,您将获得无效指针。

Don't store pointer to the temporary object into your std::vector<WCHAR*> split_names; 不要将指向临时对象的指针存储到std::vector<WCHAR*> split_names; .

I solved it rewriting everything to: 我解决了它重写所有内容:

//split names
                std::vector<std::wstring> split_names;
                std::stringstream ss;
                std::string name;
                while (std::getline(ss, name, ',')) {
                    split_names.push_back(std::wstring(name.begin(), name.end()));

                std::vector<const WCHAR*> pszTags;
                for (int i = 0; i < pszTags.size(); i++)
                    pszTags[i] = split_names[i].c_str();

Sorry for the inconvenience. 抱歉给你带来不便。

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