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[英]Firebase how to dynamically search for a push key under a user's data

        "uid":{ // user's uid

Given the code model above, how do I dynamically search for the push_key_1 or push_key_2 in a query? 鉴于上面的代码模型,如何在查询中动态搜索push_key_1push_key_2

I've tried to do : 我试过这样做:

var searKey = 'push_key_1';

        // snap.val() returns null.

But the snap.val() is null . snap.val()null Turns out orderByKey() is for sorting purposes only. 结果orderByKey()仅用于排序目的。 Is there a way to achieve this? 有没有办法实现这个目标?

It's a lot simpler than what you're trying. 这比你正在尝试的要简单得多。 When you know the key of the node you want to load, you don't need a query at all: 当您知道要加载的节点的密钥时,根本不需要查询:


I think it's not possible unless you restructure the database. 我认为除非你重组数据库,否则这是不可能的。 My approach is to add another node to store the push keys. 我的方法是添加另一个节点来存储推送键。

"users_push_keys": {
    "push_key_1": "uid_1",
    "push_key_2": "uid_1"

With this, you can get the uid by retrieving the data from this node. 有了这个,您可以通过从此节点检索数据来获取uid。 Hope this helps :) 希望这可以帮助 :)

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