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[英]Chrome Extension selected text

I am looking for a way to add a frame/border (like Evernote Web Clipper: below image) around my selected text into my Chrome extension. 我正在寻找一种方法,将我所选文本周围的框架/边框(如Evernote Web Clipper:下图)添加到我的Chrome扩展程序中。


To do that, I thought capture the HTML code of the selection and add a frame/border around the current selected text. 为此,我想捕获选择的HTML代码并在当前所选文本周围添加框架/边框。 But I don't see how can I do that... 但我不知道我怎么能这样做......

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

Manifest.json: manifest.json的:

 "name": "Selected Text",
 "version": "0.1",
 "description": "Selected Text",
 "manifest_version": 2,
 "browser_action": {
   "default_title": "Selected Text",
   "default_icon": "online.png",
   "default_popup": "popup.html" 
 "permissions": [
 "content_scripts": [
     "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
     "js": ["popup.js"]

popup.js: popup.js:

chrome.tabs.executeScript( {
    code: "window.getSelection().toString();"
    }, function(selection) {

      if(selection[0].length > 0){
        document.getElementById("text").value = selection[0];

popup.html: popup.html:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src="popup.js"></script>
      body { width: 300px; }
      textarea { width: 250px; height: 100px;}
    <textarea id="text"> </textarea>

You can do it with mouseup event like this: 你可以使用像这样的mouseup事件:

 // Add event listener for mouseup (there is no event for selection) document.addEventListener('mouseup', highlightSelectedBlock, false) function highlightSelectedBlock () { // TODO Filter only selections // Get Node where selection starts let elementWhereSelectionStart = window.getSelection().anchorNode // TODO Get Node where selection ends with Selection.focusNode() // TODO Get Nodes in between start and end of selection // I've hardcoded finding closest block element for a simplicity let closestBlockElement = elementWhereSelectionStart.parentNode // Add non disturbing border to selected elements // For simplicity I've adding outline only for the start element closestBlockElement.style.outline = '1px solid blue' // TODO Clear outline on some event: saving selection, ending selection etc setTimeout(() => { closestBlockElement.style.outline = 'none' }, 2000) } 
 <p>First line <p>Second line <p>Third line 

But for real life it should be more complex, think of: 但对于现实生活来说,它应该更复杂,想一想:

  • selections from keyboard 键盘选择
  • highlight several elements, which can be tricky 突出几个元素,这可能很棘手
  • selection of images inside 选择里面的图像
  • removing highlight on a lot of different cases 删除许多不同情况下的突出显示

Maybe it can be a good idea to constantly poll DOM for a selection object with window.requestAnimationFrame() instead of adding event listener to mouseup . 也许用window.requestAnimationFrame()不断地为选择对象轮询DOM是一个好主意,而不是向mouseup添加事件监听器。

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