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Swift 3 Singleton Manager套接字连接

[英]Swift 3 Singleton Manager Socket Connection

Is this the proper way to manage socket connections in Swift 3 using Singleton? 这是使用Singleton在Swift 3中管理套接字连接的正确方法吗?

Where do I start a socket connection such that I do not have to reconnect every time in the Viewcontroller lifecycle? 我在哪里开始套接字连接,这样我不必每次都在Viewcontroller生命周期中重新连接? The Viewcontroller is constantly sending data to my server; Viewcontroller不断向我的服务器发送数据; my app is the client and its collecting data; 我的应用程序是客户端及其收集数据; its getting the data from movement within the app and sending direction, power, etc.. 它从应用程序中移动数据并发送方向,电源等。

I have searched and searched but I cannot find a concrete example; 我搜索过,但找不到具体的例子; I only find socket libraries but not any examples on how to use it with UIViewcontroller; 我只找到套接字库,但没有任何关于如何在UIViewcontroller中使用它的示例; also, most examples online are using websockets, I am not 此外,大多数在线示例都使用websockets,我不是

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

I am hoping this will work: 我希望这会奏效:

        manager.messageReceived(message: "Testing...")

but my fear is that inside the UIViewcontroller class, it will automatically start a connection again; 但我担心的是,在UIViewcontroller类中,它会自动重新启动连接; also, I am not sure at which point I should check if connection is lost and where to connect again; 另外,我不确定我应该检查连接是否丢失以及再次连接的位置; as I am never closing the socket 因为我永远不会关闭套接字

Thanks 谢谢

Singleton Class: 单身人士课程:

import Darwin
import Foundation

class ChatManager {

    // Add property for socket

    private var control_socket: Int32
    private var address = ""
    private var port = "0000"

    class var sharedInstance: ChatManager {
        struct Singleton { static let instance = ChatManager() }
        return Singleton.instance

    init() {
        // Create the socket
        self.control_socket = connectToServer(atAddress: self.address, atPort: self.port)


    func sendMessage(message: String) {
        // Push the message onto the socket
        _ = write(self.control_socket, message, message.characters.count)

    // Delegate methods

    func messageReceived(message: String) {

        // Emit the message using NSNotificationCenter

UIViewcontroller: UIViewController中:

import Darwin
import Foundation
import UIKit
import Dispatch

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet private weak var joystickMove: Joystick!
    @IBOutlet private weak var joystickRotate: Joystick!

    private var contour = Contours()
    private var contour_index: Int = 0

    private let manager = ChatManager.sharedInstance

    override func viewDidLoad() {

    private func createJoystick() {

        var joystick = Joystick()

        let n: CGFloat = 100.0
        let x: CGFloat = (UIScreen.main.bounds.width/2) - (n/2.0)
        let y: CGFloat = UIScreen.main.bounds.height - (UIScreen.main.bounds.height/4.0)

        joystick.frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: n, height: n)
        joystick.backgroundColor =  UIColor.clear

        joystick.substrateColor = UIColor.lightGray
        joystick.substrateBorderColor = UIColor.gray
        joystick.substrateBorderWidth = 1.0
        joystick.stickSize = CGSize(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)
        joystick.stickColor = UIColor.darkGray
        joystick.stickBorderColor = UIColor.black
        joystick.stickBorderWidth = 2.0
        joystick.fade = 0.5

        var packet = ""

        joystick.trackingHandler = { (data) -> () in

            let power = sqrt(pow(Double(data.velocity.x), 2.0) + pow(Double(data.velocity.y), 2.0))
            let theta = atan2(Double(-data.velocity.y), Double(data.velocity.x))
            let degrees = theta * (180.0 / M_PI)

            if degrees >= 55 && degrees <= 125 { // move forward
                packet = "\(1) \(1) \(power) \(power)"
            } else if degrees >= -125 && degrees <= -55 { // move backewards
                packet = "\(-1) \(-1) \(power) \(power)"
            } else if degrees >= -55 && degrees <= 55 { // turn right
                packet = "\(1) \(-1) \(power) \(power)"
            } else if (degrees >= 125 && degrees <= 180) && (degrees >= -180 && degrees <= -125) { // turn left
                packet = "\(-1) \(1) \(power) \(power)"


        manager.messageReceived(message: "Testing...")


Since it is a singleton, have you considered initializing the Socket Manager in AppDelegate's application function? 既然它是单例,您是否考虑过在AppDelegate的应用程序函数中初始化套接字管理器? Then it will exist for the lifetime of the app. 然后它将存在于应用程序的生命周期中。

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