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[英]How can I add a custom toolbar to the touch keyboard in UWP apps?

I'm having an input form with multiple TextBox elements and I would like to add a "Next" button on the touch keyboard that allows the user to advance to the next TextBox. 我有一个包含多个TextBox元素的输入表单,我想在触摸键盘上添加一个“下一步”按钮,允许用户前进到下一个TextBox。

I've tried experimenting with the CommandBar as BottomAppBar (hide/show it based on touch keyboard visibility) but it doesn't really fit the purpose I think. 我已经尝试过将CommandBar作为BottomAppBar进行实验(基于触摸键盘的可见性隐藏/显示它),但它确实不符合我的想法。 What's the way to do it? 怎么做呢?

It is not possible to customize software keyboard in UWP app. 无法在UWP应用中自定义软件键盘。

I've tried experimenting with the CommandBar as BottomAppBar (hide/show it based on touch keyboard visibility) but it doesn't really fit the purpose I think. 我已经尝试过将CommandBar作为BottomAppBar进行实验(基于触摸键盘的可见性隐藏/显示它),但它确实不符合我的想法。 What's the way to do it? 怎么做呢?

I think you've made a good decision to use CommandBar as BottomAppBar, and to hide/show it based on touch keyboard visibility. 我认为您已经决定将CommandBar用作BottomAppBar,并根据触摸键盘的可见性来隐藏/显示它。 There is no facility for defining custom keyboard layouts in an application, so a bottom Commandbar is the best choice in this scenario under the current condition. 没有在应用程序中定义自定义键盘布局的功能,因此在当前情况下,底部Commandbar是此情况下的最佳选择。

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