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[英]Is there a way to FreezePanes (on a Pivot Table) in Aspose Cells?

I'm porting a slower-than-molasses-on-the-Ross-Ice-Shelf Excel Interop app to Aspose Cells. 我正在将比罗斯-冰架上的糖蜜慢的Excel Interop应用程序移植到Aspose Cells。 One feature I'm trying to port over (can't find the way to do it here ) is "FreezePanes" 我要移植的一个功能( 在这里找不到方法)是“ FreezePanes”

My legacy (Excel Interop) code is commented out; 我的旧版(Excel Interop)代码已被注释掉; it works; 有用; my attempt at an Aspose Cellsisization of it is below that - all I could get was setting the range: 我对其进行Aspose Cellsisization的尝试低于该尝试-我只能设置范围:

private void FreezePanePivotTable(int rowToFreeze, int colToFreeze)
    //Range pivotTableCellToFreeze = (Range)_xlPivotTableSheet.Cells[rowToFreeze, colToFreeze];
    //pivotTableCellToFreeze.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true;

    // AsposeCells version of the above:
    var pivot = pivotTableSheet.PivotTables[0];
    var dataBodyRange = pivot.DataBodyRange;
    int rowsUsed = dataBodyRange.EndRow;
    int colsUsed = dataBodyRange.EndColumn;

    Range pivotTableCellToFreeze = pivotTableSheet.Cells.CreateRange(
        rowToFreeze, colToFreeze, rowsUsed, colsUsed);
    //pivotTableSheet.ac <= No "activate"
    //pivotTableCellToFreeze.act <= No "activate" here, either
    //pivotTableCellToFreeze.ApplyStyle <= No "Application.etc." etither...

Is there a way to set up FreezePanes in Aspose Cells? 有没有办法在Aspose Cells中设置FreezePanes?

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Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose 注意:我在Aspose担任开发人员布道者

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