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ReactJS + Material-UI:如何减少 Material-UI 的列宽<TableRow/> ?

[英]ReactJS + Material-UI: How to reduce column width of Material-UI's <TableRow/>?

I'm currently using ReactJS + Material-UI, and with the Material-UI's <Table> , the columns width are automatically set depending on content.我目前正在使用 ReactJS + Material-UI,并且使用 Material-UI 的<Table> ,列宽会根据内容自动设置。 Currently it seems to enforce equal width on all columns, but I want some columns to take up more width than others.目前它似乎对所有列强制执行相等的宽度,但我希望某些列比其他列占用更多的宽度。

So is there a way to arbitrarily assign width of <TableRow> 's column and still be dynamic based on content instead?那么有没有一种方法可以任意分配<TableRow>列的宽度,并且仍然是基于内容的动态?

You can set the style of the TableHeaderColumn and its corresponding TableRowColumns.您可以设置 TableHeaderColumn 及其对应的 TableRowColumn 的样式。 Below I set width to 12 pixels (and background color to yellow just to further demo custom styling)下面我将宽度设置为 12 像素(背景颜色设置为黄色只是为了进一步演示自定义样式)

working jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/0zh1yfqt/1/工作 jsFiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/0zh1yfqt/1/

const {
} = MaterialUI;

 class Example extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const customColumnStyle = { width: 12, backgroundColor: 'yellow' };

    return (
              <TableHeaderColumn style={customColumnStyle}>B</TableHeaderColumn>
              <TableRowColumn style={customColumnStyle}>2</TableRowColumn>
              <TableRowColumn style={customColumnStyle}>5</TableRowColumn>
              <TableRowColumn style={customColumnStyle}>8</TableRowColumn>

const App = () => (
  <MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={getMuiTheme()}>
    <Example />

  <App />,

There is a hidden prop in the <Table> component that makes it behave like a HTML <table> element, ie adapt the column widths to the content: <Table>组件中有一个隐藏的 prop,使它的行为类似于 HTML <table>元素,即根据内容调整列宽:

<Table style={{ tableLayout: 'auto' }} fixedHeader={false} ...>

It doesn't let you style columns one by one, but at least it's less ugly than large columns for small contents by default.它不会让您一一设置列的样式,但至少在默认情况下,对于小内容,它没有大列那么难看。

according to the answer of @François Zaninotto @Lane Rettig根据@François Zaninotto @Lane Rettig 的回答

... ...

and adding with this ,you can get a scroll table with infinite columns...并添加这个,你可以得到一个带有无限列的滚动表......

componentDidMount() {
    let tbody = $(this.refs.table)
    if (tbody && tbody.length == 1) {
        let div = tbody[0].refs.tableDiv
        div.style.overflowX = 'auto'
        div.parentElement.style.overflowX = 'hidden'
    } else {
        // error handling


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