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ng-bootstrap datepicker格式

[英]ng-bootstrap datepicker format

I am using ng-bootstrap datepicker but when I save my form the date gets saved as. 我正在使用ng-bootstrap datepicker,但是当我保存表单时,日期保存为。

date: {
  day: 01,
  month: 12,
  year: 16

I was hoping I could get it to save as something more like "2016-11-23T00:39:31.768Z" 我希望我可以把它保存为更像"2016-11-23T00:39:31.768Z"

Here is my implementation: 这是我的实现:

<div class="input-group">
  <button class="input-group-btn" (click)="d.toggle()" >
    <md-icon svgSrc="assets/images/calendar-plus.svg" style="cursor: pointer;"></md-icon>
  <input class="form-control" placeholder="dd-mm-yyyy" name="dp" formControlName="due_date" navigation="arrows" ngbDatepicker #d="ngbDatepicker">

And form.component: 和form.component:

constructor( private fb: FormBuilder ) {
    this.form = this.fb.group({
      due_date: [''],

You're using ng-bootstrap not ng2-bootstrap (different groups). 你正在使用ng-bootstrap而不是ng2-bootstrap(不同的组)。 The code behind it uses the NgbDateStruct which is an object { day, month, year } 它背后的代码使用NgbDateStruct ,它是一个对象{ day, month, year }

On submission you'll need to hook in and change the value to something else, like: 在提交时,您需要挂钩并将值更改为其他内容,例如:

onSubmit(): {
    let ngbDate = this.form.controls['due_date'].value;
    let myDate = new Date(ngbDate.year, ngbDate.month-1, ngbDate.day);
    let formValues = this.form.value;
    formValues['due_date'] = myDate;
    http.post(url, formValues);

https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/datepicker https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/datepicker

NgbDateStruct Interface of the model of the NgbDatepicker and NgbInputDatepicker directives NgbDateStruct NgbDatepicker和NgbInputDatepicker指令模型的接口

Properties 属性

day Type: number The day of month, starting at 1 day类型:number从1开始的月中的某一天

month Type: number The month, with default calendar we use ISO 8601: 1=Jan ... 12=Dec month类型:number月份,默认日历我们使用ISO 8601:1 = Jan ... 12 = Dec

year Type: number The year, for example 2016 年份类型:数字年份,例如2016年

As @silentsod mentioned, you need to convert the date object that the datepicker uses from the NgbDateStruct format into a string format. 正如@silentsod所提到的,您需要将NgbDateStruct使用的日期对象从NgbDateStruct格式转换为string格式。 ng-bootstrap provides a function to convert a date in the NgbDateStruct format to the ISO 8601 format ( yyyy-mm-dd ). ng-bootstrap提供了将NgbDateStruct格式的日期转换为ISO 8601格式( yyyy-mm-dd )的功能。 You do not have to write your own if using that format: 如果使用该格式,则无需编写自己的文件:

import {NgbDateParserFormatter} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';


constructor(private ngbDateParserFormatter: NgbDateParserFormatter; ... ) {


onSubmit(): {
    let ngbDate = this.form.controls['due_date'].value;
    let myDate = this.ngbDateParserFormatter.format(ngbDate); // e.g. myDate = 2017-01-01

See: https://github.com/ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/blob/master/src/datepicker/ngb-date-parser-formatter.ts 请参阅: https//github.com/ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap/blob/master/src/datepicker/ngb-date-parser-formatter.ts

You can implement your own method to convert it to DD-MM-YYYY format you require. 您可以实现自己的方法将其转换为您需要的DD-MM-YYYY格式。

Or depending of order of elements in return statement and a separator you can create any other format you wish. 或者,根据return语句和分隔符中元素的顺序,您可以创建任何其他格式。

Implementation: 执行:

formatDate(d: NgbDate): string {
  if (d === null) {
    return null;

  return [
    (d.day < 10 ? ('0' + d.day) : d.day),
    (d.month < 10 ? ('0' + d.month) : d.month),

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