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[英]where clause in inner join

I am generating a query. 我正在生成查询。 I have two tables name: flights and destinations. 我有两个表名:航班和目的地。 In a flight table, I have column: id, departure, destination, price, airline, class and in destinations table that i have column: id, destination, country, region. 在航班表中,我有列:ID,出发地,目的地,价格,航空公司,舱位,而在目的地表中我有列: id, destination, country, region.

Now I want to get flights detail whose region is "Europe" . 现在,我想获取区域为"Europe"航班详细信息。 I am doing inner join . 我正在做inner join My query is this: 我的查询是这样的:

FROM  `flights` 
INNER JOIN destinations ON flights.destination = destinations.destination
where region= 'europe'

Its giving me null result. 它给我空结果。 if I remove ( where region= 'europe' ) from my query then it gives me the results of all the columns of flights and destinations. 如果我从查询中删除( where region= 'europe' ),那么它将为我提供航班和目的地所有列的结果。

Please help me out 请帮帮我

Try this 尝试这个

FROM  `flights` 
INNER JOIN destinations 
  ON flights.destination = destinations.destination
where LOWER(region) = 'europe'

I note that you say 'Europe' is the region. 我注意到您说'Europe''Europe' MySQL can be case-sensitive, depending on the collations being used for the database and table (but not by default). MySQL可能区分大小写,具体取决于用于数据库和表的排序规则(但默认情况下不是)。 So, I would start with comparing the proper case: 因此,我将从比较合适的情况开始:

FROM flights f INNER JOIN 
     destinations d
     ON f.destination = d.destination
WHERE d.region = 'Europe';

If that doesn't work, then strange characters might have crept into the region column. 如果这不起作用,则可能是奇怪的字符潜入了“ region列。 You can try: 你可以试试:

WHERE lower(d.region) like '%europe%'

Since you are using an inner join, you can specify the region as part of the join conditions, like this: 由于使用的是内部联接,因此可以将区域指定为联接条件的一部分,如下所示:

    SELECT * 
    FROM  `flights` 
    INNER JOIN destinations ON flights.destination = destinations.destination 
        AND destinations.region = 'europe'

Does the Flights.Destination value store the Id of the Destination table? Flights.Destination值是否存储“目标”表的ID? You may need to adjust the join to 您可能需要将联接调整为

flights.destination = destinations.Id

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